CHAPTER 32: Two Months

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(A/N ~ wattpad needs to stop deleting my chapters like I can't remember what I wrote.)


It's been a few weeks and I finally feel like I'm getting better.
No episodes or blurry.
No headaches or nightmares.
I don't even have a guard in with me anymore.
Which I'm happy about.

Josh has been working almost everyday for the last few weeks so I haven't been able to see him often.
I'm happy for him though because he said he has enough money for an apartment. He hasn't found one yet but he's looking.

"Hey Tyler." Dr. James came into the room.
"I have some good news."
"You do?"
"Yup... Want to hear it?"
"Your progressing.... A lot.. If you keep it up You'll be able to leave by the end of this year."
"That's only two months away!"
I smiled and did something I thought I'd never do, I hugged Dr. James.
"You excited?"
"Good but remember it's only if you keep it up."
"I know."
He nodded and left the room.
I smiled and jumped back onto my bed, staring at the ceiling.
I laid there and waited for Josh to come.

When he did I tackled him.
"Well hello to you to."
"Two months."
"Two months?"
"Till I get to leave. Well only if I don't have any mishaps."
"That's great Ty!"
I then kissed him.
He smiled into the kiss causing me to smile and pull away.
I stood up and ran to the window to look outside.
"I'm gonna be out there soon... Hopefully."
Josh came up behind me and hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"And your gonna take me away right?"
"Of course..... But don't you want to go to your house first to see your parents or anything?"
"Not really I just..."
"Just what?"
"Want to go."
"Go where?"
"You want to travel the world?"
"Sounds exciting."
"Yeah but that's not even the best part."
"It's not?"
"Well what is?"
"Your coming too... So I won't just be traveling the world but I'll be traveling the world with the love of my life."
"I'm the love of your life?"
"Yes. I love you Josh."
"I love you too Tyler."
I smiled and turned around to hug him.

"Are you staying tonight?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Then I will."
"Then lets sleep."
I ran over to the bed and jumped on it, crawling under the covers.
Josh did the same.
I cuddled up to him like I always do... But I didn't sleep right away.
I stared up at Josh.
He smiled at me.
I reached up a kissed his jaw.


I woke up.... On the floor?
I groaned and sat up.
Josh was still sleeping.
It was about four thirty in the morning.
I need to use the bathroom... badly.
I shook him gently.
"I need to go."
"What time is it?"
"Like four thirty."
"Come on I need to use the bathroom."
I grabbed his arm and started pulling him off the bed.
"Press the buzzer thing and get the guard to take you."
"I need to pee."
"And I have work soon and Would Like to get a little more sleep."
I whined and crossed my legs.
"Just press the buzzer."
"Fine." I huffed and went to the buzzer and pressed it multiple times until Kenny showed up.
"What is it Tyler?"
"I needa pee."
"You do?"
"Come on."
I quickly hurried out of the room and toward the bathroom.
After I finished Kenny took me back to the room and I crawled into the bed, falling back to sleep.


I woke up to Josh getting out of bed.
I whined.
"Hey shh. Go back to sleep."
"No stay with me."
"I can't."
I whined again and rolled to the far side of the bed.
"I can't kiss you goodbye if your all the way over there."
"Yes you can.. Just crawl over the bed."
He sighed but nonetheless crawled over the bed to give me a kiss.
As he went to pull away I grabbed him and pulled him down onto the bed.


"Tyler stop I need to go."
"Tyler. If I'm late I'll get in trouble."
"But I don't want you to go."
"I know baby but I have to."
He pouted and let go of me.
"I'll see you later okay?"

I left the room, got in the cheap car that I've been driving and went to work.
I arrived ten minutes late due to traffic and also stopping to get breakfast.
"Joshua.... your late." my boss spoke.
" I know I'm sorry.. Traffic was bad."
"It's okay just don't let it happen again.. Also I need to you to stay late today."
"What? Why?"
"Because someones sick and can't make it to their shift and since you were late your the one I'm choosing to cover."
"Well am I getting paid overtime?"
I sighed.
"How long am I staying?"
"Are you serious?"
"Tyler's going to be mad."
"I'm sorry who's Tyler?"
"My boyfriend."
"Well why don't you call him and tell him you'll be late?"
"Well I can't really call him directly but I guess I could call Dr. James..."
"Nothing.... Just give me a minute and I'll get to work."

I took out my phone and called Dr. James.
"Hey Dr. James... Can you do me a favor?"
"Uh sure."
"Can you tell Tyler I'm going to be a little late tonight?"
"Sure.. If you don't mind me asking why?"
"My boss wants me to stay late and cover for someone who couldn't make it in today."
"Okay well I'll tell him."
"Thank you. Bye."
I hung up and got straight to work.


"Did he say when he's coming back?"
"No he just said later."
"Oh.. Okay thank you."
Dr. James nodded and left the room.
I sat on the bed and waited for Josh to get back.


It didn't happen.
He didn't come back.
I had to sleep alone last night.
I wouldn't even call it sleep because of how much I was worrying.
It was about eleven in the morning and Josh still wasn't here so I pressed the buzzer.

"Yes Tyler?" Kenny asked.
"Can you call Josh and ask him where he is?"
"Sure I'll be back in a few minutes."
I sat back on the bed waiting for Kenny to come back, which only took like three minutes.
"Josh said he's on his way now."
"Okay thank you."
"Your welcome."
Kenny left again and soon Josh came in.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Tyler. Don't lie to me."
He sat down next to me.
"I was worried."
"I'm sorry."
"Why didn't you come back?"
"By the time my boss let me leave I was too tired to drive all the way back here so I just stayed at your house."
"Oh.... "
"Yeah... But I can make up for it."
"Well I Don't have work today so I can stay here with you all day."
"And tonight too?"
"Yes and tonight too."
I gave him a hug and he kissed the top of my head.

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