CHAPTER 53: Relax

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I'm back in my room and back in a straight jacket.
I sat on my bed with a bored expression on my face.
Dr. James came in.
"Hi. Hows your arm?"
"Oh want some pain killers?"
"No. It hurts because its pressed against my chest you dimwit."
"When's Josh getting back?"
"Did you tell my parents?"
I looked away coldly.
He raised his eyebrows at me.
I stood up so that I was eye level with him.
My face stern.
"Sit down Tyler."
Calm down, I told myself.
I stared at him for a few more seconds before sitting down.
"Thank you."
I ignored him.
"Okay well I'm going now."
I watched as he turned away from me and started walking away.
I stood up and walked in front of him.
"Take this off."
I said calmly.
"No Tyler."
"I didn't ask."
"I didn't ask. Take it off."
"It's not happening."
"What am I going to do if you take it off?"
"I don't know that's why it's on."
"Come on Dr. James I promise I'll be good..... Maybe."
"Tyler. Stop."
"Dr. James. No."
He sighed.
"Fine I'll take it off but be good. Don't touch anyone or I'll put it back on."
I stood waiting patiently as he began the process of taking it off.
Once it was off I stretched my arms over my head and walked back over to the bed.
"So what are you gonna do now?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'll jack off."
"No? Okay."
He rolled his eyes and left without another word.
I just smirked to myself.

I sat waiting for Josh to get back.
Eventually he did.
"Where did you go?"
"Your house."
"Your mom had some questions about what happened."
"And you told her?"
"Yeah.. Your not mad are you?"
"No." (yes.)
I crawled up onto Josh's lap and began kissing you him.
I had to keep reminding myself to stay gentle because I am pretty mad right now so every now and then my fingertips would dig into him and I'd have to tell myself to relax.
"So. Josh?" I asked between small kisses.
"Have. Have you ever touched. yourself when you- you weren't here?"
"What- what did you think about?"
"Mm you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Tell me what you think about me doing."
"Rolling your hips."
I smirked and began doing just that.
"Uhh- a-and you touching me, kissing me, you letting me completely wreck you, you letting me tie you up and tease you."
"Mmm naughty boy."
"What about this?"
I dropped my hand down and cupped him gently.
"Do you ever think of me touching you like this? Hmm?"
I gently rubbed him, feeling him grow hard.
"Mmm don't stop." he breathed.
"Yeah you like this big boy?"
He nodded.
"I-I've never seen this s-side of you before."
I started sucking on his neck.
"Do you like it?"
"God yes."
"Good. Lay down."
He slowly laid so he was on his back, his legs hanging off the side of the bed.
I moved in between his legs and rubbed my hands under his shirt.
Then I dragged them down and started unbuttoning his jeans.
He was breathing heavily in anticipation.
"Tyler there's some quest-"
Dr. James walked in then.

He stood in the doorway frozen not knowing what to do.
"Uh... Hi.. Tyler... What are you doing?"
I looked down at Josh who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
I smirked and palmed him again.
He groaned and closed his eyes.
"Well you see Dr. James I'm pleasuring my boyfriend."
"Ah ah ah shhh." I tutted.
I watched his throat move as he swallowed.
"Tyler you can't do that."
"I believe I can and I will."
"Josh I'm very disappointed in you for allowing this to happen. You know the rules."
I started palming him faster just as he was about to talk causing him to moan instead.
"I- mmm."
"Tyler." he warned.
"Do I have to get the jacket?"
"That's what I thought now stop."
"No don't stop."
I turned to look at Josh surprised that he said that.
"Josh wha-"
"You heard him he doesn't want me to stop."
Josh had an arm draped over his eyes.
I smirked at Dr. James.
"Tyler that's enough."
I pulled my hand away and got up off the bed, walked over to the window and looked out.
Josh made a noise of annoyance and complaint.
I turned back around to face Dr. James as he watched Josh cup himself with both hands and roll onto his stomach.
"... Okay... Uh... Well .... There's some questions I need to ask you."

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