CHAPTER 58: Mess

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I just got back from work.
I open the door to Tyler's room, he isn't in here.
Confused I head off towards Dr. James office.
I slowly walk in.
He's talking to someone.
He stops talking to the person when he sees me.
"Yes Joshua?"
"...where's Tyler?"
Dr. James looks up at this dude.
"He's in the safe room."
"The safe room? Why?"
"He had a bad... Incident earlier."
"Josh this is Dr. Hawley."
He said motioning toward the dude.
"When can Tyler come out?"
Dr. Hawley looked at his watch.
"I think he's had enough lets go get him."
I nodded and followed Dr. Hawley through the halls until we came to a stop at a rather secure looking door.


I sat in the corner shaking, staring at nothing with wide, scared eyes, my knees to my chest and my arms around my knees.
I was so lost in thought I didn't hear the lock being opened but I did see the door open.
I jumped and flinched away from the new light.
"Tyler?" Josh's voice was soft yet concerned.
I looked up at him my breathing irregular and shaky.
"You had enough yet?" Dr. Hawley asked.
I nodded frantically.
I want out.
"Come on."
I slowly stood up and walked toward them.
Once I was in front of them I looked up at Dr. Hawley.
"You going to be good?"
I nodded.
"Okay you can go back to your room."
We all walked out into the hallway.
I was still shaking.
Being locked up in room by yourself with nothing but your thoughts.
No noise.
No people.
No interaction.
It can really mess you up.
Well for me it does anyway.
We eventually arrived back at my room.
Dr. Hawley said goodbye while me and Josh went inside.
I sat on the bed.
"Are you okay?"
I shook my head.
"What happened? I thought you only went in there if you do something really bad... What did you do?"
My eyes darted around the room like bullets.
"Your shaking Tyler."
I nodded.
He sat down next to me and hugged me.
I instantly stopped shaking.
"Your okay."
I shook my head.
The last time I went in the safe room I wasn't myself for about two days. But I was in there longer last time.

I pushed away from Josh and crawled up to the top of the bed, getting under the covers.
I looked at Josh.
He crawled up as well and held me close.
I ended up falling asleep.


When I woke up Dr. Hawley was in the room talking to Josh.
Am I still in trouble?
I look at Dr. Hawley.
His eyes met mine and I quickly turn away shoving my face into Josh's side.
"Good morning Tyler."
I didn't say anything.
"Ty? Baby you okay?"
I shook my head.
"What's wrong?"
I shook my head again.
"Tyler we can't help if you don't tell us Whats wrong."
I whimpered at Dr. Hawley's tone.
"Tyler Whats wrong?"
I sniffled.
Josh pulled me up to look at him.
I was crying.
"Why are you crying?"
I looked over at Dr. Hawley who rolled his eyes.
"Your not going back to the safe room so you can relax. The only way you would go back is if you act up again."
I nodded.
"W-what are you doing h-here then?"
"Just talking to Josh about somethings that's been happening lately."
I nodded still staring cautiously at Dr. Hawley.
"Would you like to apologise for yesterday?"
I nodded only because I'm afraid if I don't I'll be thrown back in the safe room.
"I'm s-sorry."
"Apology accepted."

I turned to Josh.
Who smiled softly.
"I'm sorry Josh."
"It's okay."
"I was mad because you left."
"That's okay."
"I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at your boss."
"It's okay."
"Then I was mad at Dr. James."
"It's okay Tyler."
"I hurt people yesterday though."
"It's okay. Remember you can't get frustrated with getting better okay? It's going to be hard and your going to have set backs. That's just the way it is."
I nodded.
"I broke the nurses arm."
"And I dislocated the guards finger."
"I almost choked Dr. James to death."
I sniffled.
Josh nodded.
I looked at him.
"Your scared."
"Hm? No no I'm not scared."
"Yes you are. I can tell.... I'm sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry."
"I feel bad."
"That's okay."
I leaned down a pecked his lips before giving him a hug.
"You okay Tyler?"
"My hand hurts."
"Why does your hand hurt?"
I pulled away from Josh and showed my hand to Dr. Hawley.
My knuckles were all bruised and swollen.
"Oh I see. That's from all the punching yesterday."
"I know."
Josh grabbed my hand and placed gentle kisses to the bruised skin.
I tentatively watched.
After a few minutes I moved my hand to cup the side of his face and I kissed him.

When I pulled away I laid on his chest.
"Is the nurse okay?"
"I mean you did break her arm, but yeah she's doing okay."
"What about the guard?"
"He's doing okay as well."
"And Dr. James?"
"He's good."
I nodded.
"Oh and by the way we have a new camera in here, just so you know."
I sighed and nodded again.
"Do you have work today Josh?"
He nodded.
"I don't want you to go."
"I know but I don't want to get fired."
I nodded and moved off his lap.
I brought my knees to my chest, crossed my arms over them and pressed my forehead to them.
"Are you going to kiss me goodbye?"
I shook my head.
He sighed and kissed the top of my head.
"I'll see you after work. Be good Tyler."
I nodded.
"I should get going too."
I nodded.
Now that I'm alone I started crying.
Well sobbing actually.

'Blurry? Are you there?"
'I don't know.. Someone to talk to I guess.'
'why can't I be normal blurry?'
'I know. Thanks anyway.'

I sighed and continued to cry.
So much has changed since I met Josh and it doesn't even bother me anymore.
Maybe I've just been ignoring it because now that I'm thinking about it all I'm getting angry.


Dr. James, Dr. Hawley and Richard all sat in the monitoring room.
Watching Tyler intensely.
So far all he's been doing is crying.
They watch as he slowly lifts his head and looks around the room.
He then got up and paced around.
He came to a stop in front of the wall and leaned on it for a few seconds.
Then he abruptly punched it and started freaking out.
Screaming, crying, and hitting things.
The wall now had a few holes in it.
He grabbed the edge of his bed and and pulled the mattress off, throwing it onto the floor.
He kicked the metal bed frame, screaming.
He kicked the nightstand over.
He threw the pillows at the walls and fell to the floor.
Gripping his hair and screaming before breaking down and crying again.
The three watched in shock.
Tyler's never done this before.
He never made a mess of things during episodes.
Dr. James turned to the other two who stared back at him with the same expression.
"I think we should go and see whats wrong." Dr. Hawley spoke.
They all agreed.


My knuckles covered in bruises and blood.
My foot throbbing in pain.
My head pounding.
My heart racing.
I sat on the floor crying in the middle of the mess I had just made.
My hands tangled in my hair and my elbows resting on the ground.
The door opened.
I ignored it.
"Tyler?" Dr. James spoke quietly.
Quiet. Quiet. Be quiet.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Loud. Loud. Too loud.
"Tyler?" Dr. Hawley.
Out. Out. Get out.
I leaned forward a bit before leaning backwards a bit.
An almost rocking motion.
A hand gently laid on my back.
I screamed and tackled whoever owned the hand.
It was Dr. Hawley.
He looked surprised that I was able to take him down.
I didn't have him pinned long enough to do anything.
He flipped us over and pinned my wrists beside my head when I tried to grab him.
I screamed again trying to get my hands out of his grip.
I failed.
He pulled me up grabbing both of my arms.
He lead me out of the room and to his office where he grabbed his keys.
Then he dragged me down the hall to the safe room.
I was struggling against him the entire time.
Screaming for him to let go.

I was shoved into the safe room, landing on my hands and knees.
The door closed and locked.
I was left in here all day maybe longer.
I don't know I don't have anything to tell me how long it's been.

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