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've been home for a week and I haven't had any mishaps so far.
Dr. James is coming to check on me today.
As much as I'd rather never see him again this is how things are going to be for the next little while.
I just woke up.
It's around six forty five in the morning.
Josh is still asleep.
I cuddle closer to him because it's really cold in our room.
I gently trace over his tattoo while I'm waiting for him to wake up.
I don't think it's going to be anytime soon though.
I usually always wake up before him but last night he was up really late, well we both were but I can handle little to no sleep a lot better then he can.
We were up late because Josh had gone out drinking with Brendon.
I disapproved of it but Josh promised he would only have a few drinks.
I was also invited to go but like I said, I disapproved of it and stayed home instead.
When Josh had gotten back I could tell he had more then a few drinks but I didn't say anything about it and just lead him to the bedroom to sleep.
After a while he groaned.
He looked up at me before moving his head down to my stomach and laying back down.

I ran my hand through the back of his hair.
I felt him kiss my stomach before starting to make his way up my body, slowly lifting my shirt off as he moved.
He took my shirt off and threw it to the floor before kissing me.
I lifted a hand up to cup his jaw.
"Dr. James is gonna be here soon." I whispered, pulling away and kissing his cheek.
He rolled his eyes and groaned, rolling off me and onto the bed next to me.
"What time is it?" he asked, his voice laced with sleep.

Almost eight thirty." I said.
He sighed.
"Its too early." He complained.
"Well you gotta get up and shower before he gets here." I said.
"I know." He mumbled.
"You have a half hour hurry up." I said, sitting up and patting his thigh before getting up and heading out to the kitchen to make food.

I heard the shower turn on and sat down on the couch with a bowl of cereal.
Finn jumped up next to me and curled up at my side.
I smiled and gently pet him.
When I finished my cereal I got up and put my bowl in the sink, glancing at the clock.
Eight fifty.
I made my way back to the bedroom to get dressed, black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt.
I then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"What time is it?"
"Ten to nine hurry up." I said, grabbing my toothbrush and putting some toothpaste on it.
The water shut off and Josh stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and going to walk off to the bedroom.
"Hey, dry off!" I yelled through a mouthful of toothpaste.
I spit into the sink and rinsed my mouth.
"Because I'm sick of you tracking water everywhere now dry off properly."
He smiled and walked up behind me hugging me.
I pushed him off me.
"You're wet!" I yelled.
He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Not like that! Ughhh just get dressed." I said walking out of the bathroom and back into the living room.
He came out a few minutes later, fully dressed, just in time.
There was a knock at the door.
Josh went over and opened the door, greeting Dr. James with a handshake before letting him in.

"Hello Tyler." He said walking over to the chair by the couch and sitting down, while Josh sat next to me on the couch.
"So how's your week been?"
"Do anything exciting yet?"
"Me." Josh said with a smirk.
I smacked his arm sending him a glare.
He laughed.
I rolled my eyes.
"Not really we've just been staying home most of the time."
Dr. James nodded, writing some things down in a notebook he brought with him.
Finn jumped up onto my lap and laid down.
I gently pet him.
"Oh you guys have a cat."
"This is Finn."
"Cute.... Okay so have you been taking your medication regularly?"
"He's been taking it but it's still hard to get him to agree to do it without a fight."
I shrugged.
"I just don't like taking pills cause I always feel like I'm going to choke."
"Did you take it today?"
Josh shook his head and stood up, heading to the kitchen and going into the cupboard where the medication was kept.
He brought it over with a glass of water and handed them to me.
I sighed but took it.
"Thank you." Josh whispered giving me a kiss on the forehead.
I smiled.
"Okay, any issues since you got here? Episodes? Anything that should concern me?"
I shook my head.
"I think I got it pretty well under control."
"Well that's good."
I nodded.
Josh sat back down next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulders.
"Josh, how's work?"
"Oh it's good."
Dr. James nodded.
"What do you do while hes working Tyler?"
"Watch TV, write, go for a walk around the building, sit out on the balcony, nothing too exciting."
Dr. James nodded writing done more things down.
Josh's phone rang from the bedroom.
"Excuse me." He said getting up to see who it is.

"So your enjoying being here?"
"You have no idea."
"Well that's good. Gotta say it's been pretty different without you at the hospital."
I nodded.
"Tyler?" Josh called from the bedroom.
He came out and handed me the phone.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Your parents."
I moved Finn off my lap and stood up, bringing the phone to my ear and jogging to the bedroom.
"Hi tyler." My mom said.
"What do you need?"
"Me and your father we're thinking about going on a family picnic later and we we're wondering if you and Josh want to come."
"Oh uh yeah sure."
"Okay make sure you let Josh know."
"I will but I gotta go cause Dr. james is here."
"Oh shoot right that's today.. okay I'll let you go, see you later love you."
"Love you too bye."
I hung up and went back out to the living room, handing Josh his phone.
"What did she say?"
"Their having a family picnic later and we're just wondering if we're wanted to go."
"Are you going to?"
"Yeah, but your coming with me."
"Alright so Tyler do you have any plans to go back to school or to work?"
"Um.. not really... I want to wait a little bit longer before deciding on anything like that."
Dr. James nodded.
"Okay well that's that then. Thank you for talking to me today, I'll see you next week." He said standing up
Me and Josh stood up as well and shook his hand before seeing him to the door.
"Do you think he noticed that I'm hungover?" Josh asked once he was gone.
"No you did a good job at hiding it."
He smiled and pulled me against him, kissing me.
"You did a good job talking to him, I know you didn't want to." He said in between kisses.
I smiled into the kiss.
"One step closer to never having to see him again." I said.
He chuckled.
"God I love you." He whispered pressing his forehead to mine.
"I love you too." I whispered back.

A/N ~ I might make a few more updates just cause, I'm not sure yet. You'll have to wait and see. Also school only started like 2 months ago and I'm already failing :')

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