CHAPTER 55: I'm Sorry

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I sat on my bed all by myself giggling uncontrollably.
I'm once again in a straight jacket.
Josh came in then.
"Hi Joshie." I bit my lip trying to stop giggling.
My mind was buzzing and I felt like I was those little air bubble thingys you get in carbonated drinks.
"Whats so funny?"
I fell backwards laughing.
"Tyler you okay?"
"I'm great Joshie."
I sat up.
"Are you... Are you high?"
I giggled again, my bottom lip between my teeth and I nodded.
"How... Where did you get drugs?"
"I don't know. Dr. James and the guards took me to this room and then Dr. James gave me this thingy and now I feel all bubbly."
I giggled some more.
I closed my eyes and swayed from side to side.
Giggles just pouring from me.
Josh sat on the edge of the bed eyeing me.
I opened my eyes and crawled over to Josh on my knees.
I giggled again.
"I wanna wear your sweater."
"Oh okay."
He pulled his hoodie up and over his head before pulling it over mine.
I looked down at the sweater and laughed.
"I'm an octopussy." I giggled swinging the unoccupied sleeves around.
"Are you now?"
I nodded.
I giggled.
"Octo- pussy."
I giggled some more.
"Octo- ..... Pussaayyyyyy."
Josh raised and eyebrow at me.
My shoulders shook as I laughed.
"Okay Tyler you stay here I'm gonna go talk to Dr. James."
"No you can't!"
"Cause the monster."
"The monster?"
"Yes. I'm going to have to come so I can scare it away."
"Okay if you say so lets go."
I walked behind him out of the room.
More like I bounced behind him but same thing.

Eventually we arrived at Dr. James office.
I leaned against the wall and giggled while staring at the ceiling.
"Oh hello."
"Uh hi.."
"Whats up?"
"What the hell did you give Tyler?"
"Just something to help him mellow out a bit. He was still really mad after we left the room. He'll be fine though don't worry about him. It'll wear off in a bit."
I bounced up behind Josh, literally bounced like I was pretending to be the Easter bunny and hit him with the sweater sleeves.
"Hi Tyler."
I laughed.
"Yeah no he should be find though."
"Okay. Come on Tyler."
I followed him back to the room.

I laid down on the bed and repeatedly licked my lips.
"Why don't you take a nap?"
I said curling into a ball and falling asleep.


"Holy fuck." I winced.
Josh chuckled.
"You okay?"
"I hate you so much right now."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do you fucking... Uh.."
"Can't think of an insult?"
"Fuck you."
"Aw come on I didn't mean to."
"I don't care if you didn't mean to it hurts."
"I'm sorry. Here let me see."
He gently grabbed my face and inspected my eye.
"It's bruising a bit. Sorry baby."
"You suck."
"Tyler I was sleeping I didn't mean to."
"You punched me in the face though."
"In my sleep though."
I pouted.
He kissed me.
"I'll get you an ice pack."
I nodded and sank down into Josh's sweater which I still have on because I refuse to take it off.

Josh came back and pressed the ice pack to my eye.
"So Tyler.. Can I ask you something?"
"I mean you just did but yeah what is it?"
"What happened in anger management?"
"Oh.. Uh... I don't wanna talk about it."
"Why not?"
"Because why?"
"Because I don't!!"
"Tyler.. Calm down."
I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Can you please tell me what happened?"
I stared at him for a few seconds.
"I tried to stop myself.... But I couldn't..."
"Okay.. What did you mean though?"
"... What do you mean?.."
"When you stopped you grabbed onto my arm and kept saying you want it."
"Yeah.. I don't understand what your getting at."
"What did you want?"
"Ohhh. I wanted it.. Like to kill him."
"Oh.. But you didn't..."
"No.. I told myself I needed to stop."
"Oh okay."
"I'm sorry.."
"Hurting him.. I tried to stay calm.. I really did."
"I know it's okay."
I nodded.

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