CHAPTER 33: Hearing

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I was cuddling with Tyler when my phone rang. I sighed and took it out of my pocket. Tyler looked up at me I gave a small smile and answered.

"Hello Joshua."
I sighed and moved Tyler off me to sit up.
"What do you want?" I said in a snappy tone.
"That's no way to greet your father Joshua."
"I don't care. What do you want?"
"I'm just checking in to see how your doing. I heard you got a job."
"Yeah okay since when did you start caring about what I do? Now whats the real reason you called."
"Can't a father just say hi to his son?"
"Pissy... Anyway I was wonder-"
"There it is."
"As I was saying. I was wondering if you could give me and your mother five hundred dollars?"
"Um no! Why on earth do you want that kind of money? From me?!"
"Because you got a job now and me and your mother would like five hundred dollars off you for dealing with your stubborn ass all these years."
"No your not getting my money."
Tyler was hugging me from behind.
"Fine. Oh and by the way we have another court date three days from now that your expected to attend."
"Are you kidding me?! I have work then! I thought all this shit was over with!"
Tyler let go of me as I stood up.
"Yeah well something else was dug up so you better be there."
"What do you mean something else was dug up?! What did you tell them?!"
"You'll have to show up and see."
"No no no you're gonna tell me right now."
"No I am not. Do not talk to me like that young man."
"Don't talk to me like I'm a three year old."
"Fair enough. So are you still gay?"
"Hm that's a shame."
"A shame?! What the hell is your problem?!"
Tyler was watching with worry as I paced back and forth.
"Your my problem."
"Well your the one that decided to call me not the other way around!"
"You better stop raising your voice."
"And if I don't? What are you going to do? huh??"
The line was silent.
"Yeah that's what I thought you coward."
"Yeah I'm the coward. You better be at that hearing Joshua."
"Yeah whatever bye."
I hung up before I got a replied.

I ran a hand down my face and looked at Tyler who was sitting on the bed with a worried expression. I sighed and sat back down on the bed with my head in my hands.
"Yeah baby?"
"Who was that?"
"My father... Don't worry about it."
"... What was he saying?"
I looked up at him.
"It's nothing important okay? Don't worry about it everything's gonna be fine... I hope."
" hope? That's not really assuring Josh."
"I know.. I have another court date with my parents and I don't know what it's about."
Tyler hugged me and I leaned into it.
My phone rang again.
I took it out and answered it.

"What do you want now?"
"I forgot there's also a hearing today in an hour.. Your also expected at this one."
"You got to be kidding me."
"Well I'm not. See you in an hour."
"I can't."
"Well you have too."
"But I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I promised Tyler I'd stay with him today!"
"Tyler? Who's Tyler?"
I closed my eyes and cursed at myself.
"Hello? Who's Tyler?"
"He's my boyfriend okay?"
"Damn. I guess your weren't kidding when you said you were a faggot...Well I'd like to meet this Tyler."
"You can't."
"Why not?"
"Because you can't now drop it."
"If I can't meet him I don't approve of him."
"I don't care if you approve of him or not. Your not meeting him because I don't need you making him feel like shit okay? You already made me hate myself. Your not going to do that to Tyler He's dealt with enough shit."
"Your not allowed to see him anymore."
"You have no say in whether or not that happens."
"Yes I do."
"No you don't."
"Okay well I'll see you in an hour. You better be there."
I hung up and had to refrain from throwing my phone at the wall.
Tyler hugged me tighter.
I turned to him and kissed him as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.
I pulled away and looked Tyler in the eye.
"I'm so sorry Ty."
"For what?"
"I have to go."
"I have a hearing in less then an hour apparently and I need to go to it."
"..but you said-"
"I know what I said.. But I don't have a choice."
"But Josh-"
"I know.... I know."
Tyler pouted as I stood up to leave.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I gave a soft smile and left.

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