CHAPTER 60: Chaos

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Tyler has been writing non-stop since he got his notebook.
That was a week ago.
Only time he wasn't writing was when he had to use the bathroom or eat or passed out.
He was currently sat on the floor with his back against the foot board of the bed.
I have to go to work.
"Tyler? I got to leave now."
He didn't answer.
"Did you sleep yet?"
Still no answer.
I sighed.
"Okay well I'll see you after work then."
He furrowed his eyebrows then erased something.
"I love you."
He looked up from his book.
"Did you say something?"
"I'm going to work now. Love you."
"Oh.... Okay love you too."
He went back to focusing on his book.
I left and headed to work.


When I got back from work Tyler was still in the same spot he was before I left.
He slowly looked up from his book to show that he heard me.
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What are you doing back?"
"Um.. because my shift ended?"
"Did you eat today?"
He thought for a moment then shook his head.
"Okay come on."
"I'm not hungry."
"You got to eat something."
"I don't want to."
I sighed and sat down on the bed.
He sat up on his knees and looked at me.
Then he grabbed his notebook and stood up.
Sitting down next to me on the bed, leaning on my arm and continuing to write.
I moved my arm around him and pulled him to my side.
After a while I got sleepy and laid down.
He looked at me then got up off the bed and sat in the corner.


I was sitting in the corner of the room writing when a loud alarm went off.
I don't like it.
It's too loud.
I need quiet.
I drop my notebook into my lap and cover my ears with my hands.
What's happening?
I'm scared.
The door flew open and a guard stared at me for a few seconds before running back out of the room.
Josh sat up covering his ears.
"What's going on?!"
"I don't know but make it stop!"
He stood up and went out into the hallway.

He's been gone for a while.
I'm really scared.
The alarm is still going off.
I slowly stand up, my notebook falling to the floor and walk over to the doorway, looking out into the hall.
Patients and guards are running around.
The guards are chasing the patients.
Everyone is running.
Should I be running too?
A guard tackled a patient.
Nope I'm not running if that's what happens.
I slowly back up into my room.
It's chaotic out there.
A patient ran into the room and tackled me, choking me.
I grabbed their hands and flipped us over.
They push me off of them and run back out into the hall.
What the hell is happening?
Where's Josh?
I'm scared.
Breathing heavily I walk back out into the hall, looking for Josh.
I slowly make my way down the hall.
People bumping into me and pushing me.
I don't like it.
I want to go back to the room.
I want Josh.
Someone runs past me and pushes me to the ground.
Other people were kicking and stumbling into me as they ran.
"JOOSSHHH!" I screamed.
I closed my eyes tightly.
Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up, dragging me somewhere.
I don't know where because I'm too scared to open my eyes.

Eventually we come to a stop and I slowly open my eyes.
I'm in Dr. James' office.
Kenny is shutting the door.
Dr. James, Dr. Varrence, Dr. Hawley and Josh are in here.
I instantly run to Josh.
"Why'd you leave me?" I cried into his chest.
"I went to see what was going on."
"I'm scared. What's happening?"
"Well one patient got out of their room and the next thing we know their all out of their rooms, running around on a rampage." Dr. James said.
I nodded and nuzzled into Josh's chest.
I opened my eyes and looked at Dr. Varrence.
"I'm sorry Dr. Varrence."
"For what?" She asked.
I pointed to her face that now had marks made by me.
"It's okay Tyler. Don't worry about it."
I nodded.
Josh sat down on a nearby chair, pulling me into his lap and hugging me again.
It was quiet other then the chaos happening outside the room.

My eyes widened and I slowly sat up to look at Josh.
"My notebook."
"Where is it?"
"In the room."
"Okay why are you worried?"
"I left the door open. What if someone takes it?"
"No one's going to take it."
"How do you know?"
"Trust me."
I nodded.
".... You know... It's not that fun being the one who gets choked."
"What are you talking about?" Dr. James asked.
"A patient tackled me and started choking me. It wasn't fun. I didn't like it."
"Now you know how it feels when you do it to someone."
I nodded.

We stayed in Dr. James office until everything calmed down then me and Josh went back to my room.

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