CHAPTER 24: Sick

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I was sitting on the couch watching Tv with Tyler's sister, Madison, who I'm currently babysitting, when my phone rang.

"Hello... Is this Joshua Dun?"
"Okay.. Tyler wants you to come in."
"Why is everything okay?"
"He has a fever."
"He was fine when I left earlier."
"Yeah but I just took his temperature and He's burning up. He has a headache and is cold even though the heats on in his room."
"Okay I'll find a way in."
"Alright I'll let him know."
"Mkay bye."

I hung up the phone and turned to Madison.
"You want to go visit your brother?"
"Okay but he's not feeling good so we gotta be quiet when were there."
"I'll bring my stuffed cat to make him feel better."
"Sounds good why don't you go get it while I find a way in."
"Okie dokie."

I should probably tell Mr. And Mrs. Joseph whats going on first.

"Hey Mrs. Joseph. I just got a call from the hospital.. Tyler has a fever and wants me to go in.. I'm going to call a cab and me and Madison are going to go in and see him.. If that's okay with you?"
"Oh yeah that's fine just take care of Madison."
"Alright see you later bye."

I ran up the stairs while on the phone with the taxi company and grabbed the notebook, stuffing it in my jacket.
"I got Mr. Kitty."
"Alright lets go wait for the taxi."
Madison skipped merrily behind me as we went down the stairs and into the porch.
When the taxi arrived we jumped in and we paid the driver once we got there.

I slowly opened Tyler's door with one hand while the other held onto Madison's.
Tyler was curled up in a ball covered in blankets.
After I shut the door he opened his eyes a bit.
"Hey Ty. Yeah it's me.. I have Madison with me too because I was babysitting her when I got the call."
"Hi Tyler."
"Hi Maddy."
"I brought Mr. Kitty so he can help you get better."
Tyler smiled slightly and grabbed the plush toy from his sister and hugged it.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
"So how are you feeling baby?"
I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead.
"M'cold... Can you warm me up?"
"Of course. Come here."
Tyler moved so he was curled up at my side, he made sure to take the stuffed cat with him.
"Tyler can I come up on the bed?"
Madison crawled up by Tyler and Tyler lifted the blankets so she could get under.
That's the cutest thing ever.

"Go to sleep."
"Will you still be here when I wake up?"
"Yes. Just get some sleep."
Not long after that I was the only one awake, both Tyler and Madison fell asleep.
The door opened and a nurse came in.
"Oh hi.. You must be Josh."
I nodded.
"How's he doing?"
"He still feels really warm."
"I see. Well when he wakes up get him to drink this. It's just water but he needs to stay hydrated."
The nurse smiled before walking back out of the room.
I pulled Tyler's notebook out of my jacket and laid it on the little nightstand next to the bed.
I fell asleep about an hour later.


"I don't feel good."
"Drink the water on the nightstand."
"No like I feel sick."
"Define sick."
"Throw up kind of sick."
I opened my eyes to look at him.
Though it was dark I could see how pale he was.
"Do you need to throw up like right this second?"
"No.. But probably soon."
I stood up and pressed the buzzer.
Soon a guard came.
"What can I do for you?"
"Watch the kid til we get back."
"Where are you going?"
"Tyler's gonna be sick."
"Oh yeah go, go."
Tyler wrapped one if the blankets around himself and followed me out of the room.
His teeth were chattering so I pulled him into my side to try to help him keep warm.
When we got to the bathroom Tyler ran right to the toilet and threw up.
"Aww baby."
I rubbed his back.
When he finished I flushed the toilet and he wiped his mouth.
"You okay? Want to go back to the room?"
"Not yet."
"You gonna be sick again?"
He nodded.
And sure enough after a few minutes passed he was puking again.

I waited til he was finished and flushed the toilet again.
"Are you done?"
"Okay come on."
I helped him up and he rinsed his mouth out.
"I'm tired Josh."
"Okay lets go back to the room and you can go to sleep."
"Can you carry me?"
I carefully picked him up and he nuzzled into my chest.
Back in the room I placed him on the bed next to Madison and gave him the glass of water the nurse put there earlier.
"Hey can you do me another favor before you leave?"
I asked the guard.
"Yeah sure what do you need?"
"Can you get some more water and see if you can get a nurse to come in?"
"Yep I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Thank you."
Tyler shivered so I took the blanket off him and put my jacket on him before placing the blanket back around him and hugging him.
The guard came back, put the water on the nightstand and said a nurse will be here in a minute.

"Hey Tyler how are you feeling?"
Was the first thing the nurse said when she walked in.
"I threw up... Twice."
"Hmm okay so it's not just a fever... Here take this."
She handed him what I'm assuming was Gravol and he swallowed it with some water.
"I'll be right back."
She said before disappearing into the hall for a few seconds.
She came back with a bucket and set it by the bed.
"If you feel like your going to get sick again do it in this so you don't have to travel to the bathroom."
After the nurse left again Tyler looked at me with a sad expression.
"What? Whats wrong?"
"I don't like being sick."
"I don't think anyone likes being sick."
"Yeah but I can't kiss you if I'm sick."
I smiled.
"When you get better you can kiss me all you want."
"..can I sleep?"
"Okay. Goodnight Josh."
"Goodnight Ty. I love you."
"I love you too."

I woke up to the sound of Tyler throwing up again.
He was kneeling on the floor by the bucket.
Madison was sitting on the end of the bed watching.
When he finished he sat back on his heels and started crying.
I got up and walked over to him.
"Hey, hey, hey why are you crying?"
"I got it on the blanket and on your coat."
I looked down at the ruined fabric.
"It's okay lets take it off."
"But I'm still cold."
"I'll get you another blanket you can't use this one."
I removed the blanket and jacket from him and set them to the side.
"Want to go back on the bed?"
He nodded so I helped him up and gave him the water.
"I'll be right back okay?"
I picked up the soiled sheet and my jacket and took them outside the room with me.
I found a guard not to far from Tyler's room and informed him on what happened.
He took the sheet and coat from me and said he'll get them washed and told me where to find clean blankets.

I grabbed two of the blankets that were there and went back to Tyler's room.
He was curled into a ball trying to keep himself warm.
I placed the two new blankets on top of him and placed a gentle kiss to his temple.
Madison was already asleep when I got back so I didn't have to worry about putting her back to bed.
I rubbed Tyler's back until he fell asleep.
Fortunately he didn't wake up again.
I stayed with him the next day though.
Tyler's parents came and picked Madison up around ten thirty.
Tyler slept til about one.

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