CHAPTER 69: Last day.

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Today's my last day here.
I get to leave tomorrow.
I can't believe it.
Josh was still asleep when I woke up.
Well I did wake up pretty early, it's like six in the morning.
But I wanted him up because I'm really happy.
I crawled on top of him and sat on his tummy.
"Wake up and love me."
He opened an eye and looked at me.
I smiled.
"Someone's happy."
I nodded.
"Today's my last day Josh. Then I can go home."
"I know." He said stretching.
He sat up, putting his arms behind me so I would fall backwards and kissed me.
"Guess what we're gonna do when we get home tomorrow? Well that is if you want to."
"What's that?"
"Mm." He hummed started to kiss my neck.
I knew what he meant.
I smiled.
"Of course I want to."
"Good cause I don't know if I can wait any longer." He chuckled.
I giggled as he started tickling me.
"No stop." I laughed.
He did and he kissed me again.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
I pulled away and just hugged him.
After a while we got up and ate some food.
Then we took a walk.
Dr. Varrence came around to say goodbye because she wouldn't be here tomorrow when I leave.
We took a nap.
Then we got my stuff ready to for tomorrow, my note book and regular clothing, also Josh's hoodies that he had left here.
We ate again.
Talked for a while.
Then went to sleep.

It took me while to actually get to sleep because I was so excited.
Josh woke up a few times because I couldn't sit still.
After a while he just pulled me on top of him and held me there so I couldn't roll around.
I giggled and I could see him smiling even though it was dark.
"Let me go."
"No. You need to sleep, big day tomorrow."
"I know but I can't."
"Then talk to me until you get sleepy just stop rolling around like your one of those steam roller things."
I laughed, so did he.
"Okay what do I talk about?"
"Are you ready to leave in the morning?"
"Do you want to go to your house or the apartment first?"
"My house so I can get my clothes."
"Okay. Want to eat out tomorrow or do you want me to cook you something?"
"I want to eat out."
"Um.. taco Bell."
"Okay I'm good with that. Are you excited to meet Finn?"
"You'll like him."
" Are you going to miss it here?"
"God no."
He chuckled.
"Neither am I."
I yawned the tiredness starting to hit me.
"Okay let's sleep now."
"Love you." He mumbled.
"Love you too." I whispered laying my head on his chest.


I woke up again during the night.
Around three in the morning.
I needed to use the bathroom.
I decided to let Josh sleep and pressed the buzzer.
Kenny came and took me down the hall.
"So you're leaving eh?"
"It's gonna be different without you here, you know, all of us are gonna miss you, even though sometimes you can be a little hard to deal with." He chuckled.
"No but seriously I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
He walked me back to the room once I had finished and said his final goodbye.
I gave a wave and crawled back into bed.
Josh stirred a bit and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the back of my neck, mumbling an,
"I love you." Before going back to sleep.
I smiled to myself and cuddled further back before trying to sleep myself.

I was up for about another hour just thinking about what Kenny had said, about everyone going to miss me before Josh woke up again.
"You okay?"
I turned around to face him.
His eyes were still closed.
"Sleep at all?"
He hummed.
"Going to go back to sleep?"
"I don't know. Why?"
"I'll stay up with you if your not gonna sleep."
"No you go back to sleep. I'll be okay."
"Try to sleep with me then."
I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes, taking in his scent.
He gave a quick kiss to my forehead, then the both of us went to sleep.

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