CHAPTER 31: Progress

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Josh didn't come back last night, but Kenny just told me that he called and said he's on his way.
So now I'm waiting for him.
He opens the door, comes in and shuts it behind him.
The guard leaves.
Josh doesn't look good, he looks sad.
"Are you okay Josh?"
He didn't answer.
He walked over to the bed and sat down.
"I can't stay."
"Why not?"
"I got to finish getting my stuff from my parents house."
"Then why didn't you go finish instead of coming here?"
"Because I missed you."
"I asked if you were okay and you didn't answer."
"Oh... Yeah I'm okay... My parents are just assholes."
I hugged him.
After a few seconds I heard little sniffles and looked up.
He was crying.
"Don't cry Josh."
I sat up and wiped his tears.
"No Don't apologise."
"Why are you crying?"
"My parents said some things to me is all.. Don't worry about it."
I frowned.

He gave a sad smile.
I hugged him again.
"I don't like your parents."
"You haven't even met them though."
"I don't care they make you upset so I don't like them."
"I don't like them either."
"I want you to stay."
"I want to stay."
"Then stay...please."
"I only have a certain amount of time to get my stuff."
"Then go get it and come back as fast as you can because I want to cuddle."
"Okay. I'll be back soon."
I gave him a kiss and he left.


Josh has been gone longer then I expected.
I'm starting to get sleepy.
I laid down and pulled the blankets around me.

I was just about asleep when the door opened.
My eyes struggled to stay open.
He sounded like he's been crying.
"Come here."
He slowly walked over and I moved so he could lay down.
I snuggled up against him.
"Whats wrong?"
"Fine. Somethings wrong."
"What is it?"
"Me and my dad got in a fight."
"What!? Are you okay did he hurt you?"
I scramble to get up and examine Josh's face which I now realise is bruised under his eye.
I gasped and reached out to touch it.
He grabbed my hand.
"Don't touch it."
"It's okay."
"Does it hurt?"
"Give me a second."
I ran to the buzzer and pressed it.
Kenny came in a few seconds later.

"What can I do for you Tyler?"
"I need an ice pack."
"For what?"
"For Josh."
He looked passed me at Josh and nodded.
"I'll bring one right away."
I walked back over to Josh.
"I don't need an ice pack Tyler."
"Yes you do it's swollen. Did your dad do this?"
"Yeah but don't worry I got some good swings at him too."
He laughed slightly.
I smiled.
Kenny came back in and handed Josh the ice pack.

We both laid down and I cuddled into him.
I soon feel asleep.


I snuck of out of the room and told the guard to go in with him.
I'm going to get something to eat.
I haven't eaten yet today.

I walk into the cafeteria and grab some food.
I sit down at a random table and eat it.
Someone sits next to me. It's Dr. Varrence.
"Oh hi."
"Where's Tyler?"
"Oh I see."
"What happened to your eye?"
"Got in a fight with my dad."
"Oh are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Okay... I heard you got a job."
"Yeah I did."
"Your a good kid Josh."
"...oh um... Thanks?"
"You've really been helping Tyler."
"I have?"
"Yes. He's come a long way since I first met him and I don't think he would have if he didn't meet you."
I smiled.
"Well I guess he's helped me too."
"In what ways?"
"I've quit smoking and drinking for starters... I wouldn't have even thought about quitting if I didn't meet Tyler."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah... He's also given me a reason to get up in the mornings and go get a job.. He means so much to me and I know he hates it here. I wish I could just take him, get in my car and just drive him away from here."
"You will eventually... Between you and me if Tyler keeps progressing their gonna let him out soon."

"Wait really!?"
"Yup. He hasn't been acting up or having episodes.... The self harm was a little bit of a set back but he's still doing really good. He didn't even fight the nurse about getting his shots and he hates shots. He's been talking more about what he's feeling, really opening up you know?"
I nodded.
"The day he gets out of here is probably gonna be the happiest day of his life."
"I agree."
I looked down at my now empty tray.
"I should probably get back to Tyler."
"Yeah. It was nice talking to you Josh see you later."
"Yeah see you later."
I placed the tray with all the other dirty trays and made my way back to Tyler's room, stopping to use the bathroom along the way.

Tyler was awake when I got back.
"Hey where did you go?"
"I needed food."
I smiled.
"Nothing I'm just proud of you is all."
I kissed him.
He laid down, without disconnecting the kiss I crawled on top of him.
I pulled back and smiled at him.
"I love you Joshie."
"I love you too Ty."

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