CHAPTER 25: New Feelings

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I woke up to Josh talking to someone.
I groaned.
I still have a headache.
"Good morning. You feeling any better?"
I kicked the blankets off.
"It's too warm."
Josh moved the sweaty hair away from my forehead and placed the back of his hand there, frowning.
I closed my eyes and rolled away from Josh.
His body is giving off to much heat.
I was still too warm.
I whined.
"I'm too warm. I want to take off my shirt."
"Go ahead."
I sat up and pulled the shirt up over my head and threw it somewhere in the room, laying down.
I whined again.
"I'm still too warm."
"Want me to shut the heat off?"
Dr. James spoke. That must be who Josh was talking to.

I laid in bed all day after that.
Now it's like three in the morning.
I still have my shirt off.
"Josh! Wake uppp!"
"Mmmmm." he groaned.
"I'm bored. Pay attention to meeee."
"Go to sleep."
"I'm not tired."
"I am."
"But Joosshh."
"But Tyylleerr."
"Give me love."
"Mkay I love you.. Now sleep."
I pouted and walked over to the light switch turning it on.
Josh groaned, squinted his eyes and rolled over so his face was in the pillow.
"Turn the light off baby."
"Nooo I'm bored wake up."
"To think just hours ago you wouldn't move off the bed and now your up and hyper as ever."
"Yeah so. Playy withh meee."
"Let me sleep I'll play with you in the morning."
"It is the morning though."
"Yeah but I mean in the morning like when the suns up."
I heard Josh start snoring so I climbed up on the bed and started jumping.
"Okay okay okay I'm up. I'm up. stop screaming please."

"I'm not screaming I am simply singing at a loud volume."
He rolled over and looked at me.
"What were you singing?"
"One of my songs."
"Mm I see."
I flopped down and landed on my butt.
"Lets do something."
"Okay lets sleep."
"No I mean lets do something fun."
"Tyler I know that your feeling better and stuff and that your not tired cause you slept all day but I've been up since yesterday night taking care of you and I need to sleep for a bit okay? I'm not trying to be mean but I'm about to pass out."
"Oh... Okay go to sleep."
"Mkay goodnight."

I waited til I seen the sun come up through the window and crawled up onto Josh's lap sitting on his thighs.
He didn't react so I moved up a bit.
Still nothing.
I hesitantly moved up more sitting dangerously close to his crotch and his eyes shot open.
"What?" I said innocently.
"Stop what?"
"You know."
"I'm not sure I do Josh."
I moved up more, so I was now directly on his crotch trying not to smile.
"Tyler." he said sternly.
"What Joshie?"
"Were not doing this right now."
"Doing what?"
I rocked my hips up and smirked.
"Tyler I'm serious stop."
"Stop what?"
I moved my hips up again causing him to groan.
"Please baby not right now. I promise you one day we will just not right now okay?"
"But I want to do it now....please?"
"No Tyler."
I ignored his demand and continued moving my hips, biting my lip.
Josh's jaw fell slack as he closed his eyes and grabbed my hips tightly holding them in place.
"Tyler stop it." he said through gritted teeth.
"Your going to get us in trouble if you don't stop."
"I don't care."
"I do please stop."
"But it feels good Josh."
"I know baby I know."
I pouted.
"Your no fun."
He sighed.
"Fine then."

I rolled off him laying on my back and started gently rubbing myself.
"Tyler stop please."
My breath hitched. All this is so new to me so many new feelings and I know I'm going to get in trouble but I want to do it so I continue.
My eyes that were once closed were now open wide. I quickly retracted my hand and scrambled away from Josh, running to the other side of the room.
I started crying.
"I'm sorry."
I slid down the wall and hugged my knees.
"Ty don't cry. I'm sorry."
I stared at him.
"Come here please."
I quickly stood up and ran to him, being scared he would yell at me again.
"I'm sorry baby. Did I scare you?"
I nodded.
"I'm sorry."
"Are you mad at me?"
"Why did you yell then?"
He looked at me for a few seconds then brought me down onto his lap.
"I didn't mean to yell that loud. I wanted you to stop because I don't want to get in trouble. If they caught us I wouldn't be allowed to come see you anymore."
I sniffed and he wiped the tears off my cheeks.
"I'm sorry I didn't listen."
"It's okay."

"It feels weird now."
"That's normal it'll go away if you don't touch it."
"But I want to touch it. It feels good to touch it."
"I know."
"Please Josh?"
"Please what?"
"Touch me." I whispered.
"I can't baby."
"Yes you can... I can move the camera if you want."
"How will you do that?"
"With the pillows. I threw them at it the other day and it moved they came in and fixed it a few hours after I did it."
Before he could respond I was already throwing the pillows at the camera turning it toward the door instead of the bed.
I walked back and stood in front of Josh.
"...fine...What do you want to do baby?"

I bit my lip and pushed him back on the bed and got back into the position I was in when he first woke up.
I slowly and gently rocked back and forth, closing my eyes at the feeling.
Josh dug his fingertips into my hips and moved them more harshly.
I threw my head back with a moan.
One of his hands moved to the front of my pants and he gently moved it.
"Feel good?"
"Mhm yeah."
I started rolling my hips instead of rocking them and Josh's head went back against the bed with a moan.
"A-am I doing it r-right?"
"Yes baby your doing great-mmm just like that."

°~° (A/N - yeah that's all I'm writing for that... Umm Just know they did that and they both felt good and they came and they did NOT have le buttsex not yet they just kinda... yeahhhhhh I'm awkward as all hell. Kay bye.)

I collapsed onto Josh's chest, both of us panting.
Josh's shirt clung to his sweaty chest.
He ran a hand through my matted hair.
Josh chuckled.
"Did you like that baby?"
"Mhm. It felt s'good."
"Yeah it's supposed to."
"Can we do it again?"
He laughed.
"Maybe another time."
"Okay... I'm sleepy."
"Don't go to sleep not yet.. You should shower first."
"What about you? Do you need to shower?"
"I'm too tired to shower."
"It'll be uncomfortable if you don't clean it off."
"Clean what off?"
"When we go to shower..."
"There's going to be white stuff okay?"
"It's normal so don't panic. It's called cum."
"Oh... Like c-o-m-e?"
"Uh no... C-u-m."
"Just wash it off though okay?"
After a few minutes we finally got up and went to shower.

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