CHAPTER 22: Stuff

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I heard the door to my room open then close.
I did a barrel roll off the bed and landed on the floor.
"Are you okay?"
"I landed on my hand."
"Oh shit come here let me see."
I got up off the floor and sat next to Josh who unwrapped my hand and looked at it.
"I think its okay."
"Yeah." he placed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand and wrapped it back up.
"What are you doing here Josh? I thought you had to go back to my house."
"I did... That was yesterday though."
"I slept all night?"
"Oh.... Well I know I had a good sleep but what about you? How'd you sleep?"
"I kept waking up but I got enough."
I frowned.
"Do you want to take a nap?"
"No I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure."
I stood up and grabbed Josh's hand.
I dragged him to the door and he opened it.
"Where are we going?"
"I want food."
"Oh okay."

In the cafeteria I grabbed some food and sat down.
Josh said he already ate before he came so he's just sitting next to me.
When I had enough of the food I got up to throw it out.
"Tyler.. You didn't eat very much.."
"I know.. The food here makes me feel sick but I have to eat something so."
I shrugged.
"Well the food isn't really that good here so I don't blame you."
I nodded and got a drink of water.
"Can I hold your hand?"
"I told you that you don't have to ask."
I grabbed his hand and we walked back to my room.
We both sat on the bed and stared at the floor.
"What now?"
"This is it. Nothing else to do."
"That's boring."
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Come on."
"For a walk."
"A walk to where?"
"I don't know yet. Lets just go and see where we end up... It'll be like an adventure."

I grabbed his hand and we walked out into the hall.
We walked all around the building, even slipping into a few places we weren't supposed to.
We snuck into one of the nurses offices and looked out the window.
The door opened and the both of us jumped and turned around.
"What are you boys doing in here?"
Dr. Varrence stood with a clipboard in her hands.
"Uh... We went on an adventure."
"An adventure eh?"
I nodded.
"We can leave if you want."
"No you don't have to but if you want I can take you somewhere with a better view, but we have to be sneaky."
"Sneaky like a sneaky little snake."
I whispered as we followed Dr. Varrence down the hall.
She brought us to a room on the far end of the building and opened the blinds.
I stared in awe at the hundreds of trees that was seen.
"That's a lot of trees."
"I wish I could go run through them."
"Run through them?"
"Yeah. It would be fun."

We stayed in the room for a while talking with Dr. Varrence since when she went in my room for the therapy session we weren't in there.
"Alright we'll I think you two should head back to the room."
"Yeah. Lets go. Thanks for taking us here Dr. Varrence."
"No problem."
"I don't want to go back to that boring room."
"I don't know what else we could do though."
"I want to get a shower.. Well I need to get a shower."
"Oh.. Okay."
"Just go find a guard and tell them you want a shower. Josh can probably wait in your room."
"Okay bye Dr. Varrence."

Me and Josh walked back toward my room.
We found a guard and he took me to the showers.
Josh came with us and chatted with the guard while he waited.
When I was done getting washed and I rinsed off I stepped out of the shower stall with a towel wrapped around my waist.
I needed new clothes but I didn't want to interrupt Josh and the guards conversation so I just stood awkwardly off to the side.
Josh glanced over for a split second then went to focus back on what the guard was saying before taking a second glance.
He slowly walked over to me starring at me.
I felt self conscious and back away a bit.
His eyes raked over my entire body.
"Stop please."
His eyes found mine.
"Stop staring at me like that..."
"Oh.. Sorry... Your just-"
"God no. Beautiful."
"... I am?"

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