CHAPTER 50: Straight Jacket

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I groaned as I woke up.
An intense throbbing pain in my head.
I can't move my arms.
I open my eyes.
I'm in a straight jacket.
Where's Josh?"
I ask into the almost pitch black room.
My voice cracked and my throat sore.
The light turned on.
I winced and shut my eyes.
When I opened them Josh was standing by the light switch.
Stitches in his lip and bruises on his face.
Oh god.
What did I do?
"I'm sorry oh my god Josh. I.. Oh my god."
I sat up.
Josh just stood there.
"Oh my god Josh I'm so sorry I.. Oh my.. God. I'm sorry holy shit. I'm so sorry."
Josh raised his eyebrows an unamused expression on his face.
"Josh I'm, I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry holy crap I'm sorry Josh."
He pursed his lips.
He crossed his arms.
"Josh say something please."
I was on the verge of crying again.
He looked at the floor.
"Josh I'm sorry! Please say something!"
"What am I supposed to say?"
He looked back up making eye contact with me.
I shrugged the best I could, tears now falling.
He shook his head disappointingly and took small steps toward me.
"Josh I'm sorry." I sobbed.
He didn't say anything.
"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry Joshie."
He stood in front of me now.
I looked up at him.
"It's okay." he whispered he grabbed the end of his shirt and used it to wipe my tears.
I stood up and got as close to Josh as I could with him falling backwards and leaned my forehead on his chest.
He wrapped his arms around me gently.

"I don't know why I did it. I was just really mad.. Like REALLY mad and I don't know why. Why am I like this Josh? Why can't I be normal? I never wanted to hurt anyone especially you."
"Shhh it's okay Tyler."
"I'm in a fucking straight jacket Josh how is that okay?"
"Your only in it because they don't want you hurting anyone."
I nodded.
"... I uh... Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay."
"What about your... You know?"
"I'm okay."
"Okay. Are you sure?"
"I'm sorry Josh I really am."
"I know."
"I want to hug you.... But I can't."
He rubbed my back.
"Come on lets lay down."
I nodded and followed him onto the bed.
"I'm hungry."
I said once we laid down.
"You could have said that a few minutes ago."
"Do you want to go eat?"
"How am I going to?"
"Umm... Get them to take it off?"
"I don't know if they will."
"Well the only thing we can do is ask."
I nodded and stood up, along with Josh.
We left the room and went to Dr. James office.

"Oh hello ."
"What can I do for you?"
"I'm hungry."
"..... Okay?"
"Can you take this off?"
"No. We don't need you attacking anyone else."
"I won't."
"How do you know?"
".... Well I don't but how am I supposed to eat?"
"Get Josh to feed you or something."
"Were done talking about this."
"Excuse me?"
"I said no. Were not done talking about this."
"Oh really?"
"I want this off."
"Its not coming off. Your becoming too violent."
"But I can't do anything with it on."
"That's not my problem."
"How am I supposed to use the bathroom?"
"Again get Josh to help you or something."
"Actually I wouldn't really be comfortable holding his junk for him while he takes a piss and I don't think he would be comfortable doing that either."
"I wouldn't be."
"Well I don't know what to tell you."
I stared at him.
"Okay Tyler there's nothing we can do lets go."
I didn't move.
"Tyler come on."
"No. I'm not leaving til this gets taken off."
"Then your going to stand there forever."
"Fine by me but I don't know if your gonna enjoy it."
"Why is that?"
I smiled and walked over to one of the chairs he has in his office.
I sat down.
He rolled his eyes and continued with his work.

"Hey Dr. James whats this?"
I asked after a while.
He turned to see me using my feet to kick around some papers I 'accidentally' knocked over.
"Don't kick them."
He said picking them up.
"Okay what about this whats this?"
I asked standing up and running over to a wall that had a bunch of sheets hanging up.
"Their medical reports don't read them."
"Oh look its mine."
"Tyler Robert Joseph. Age: 18-"
"Tyler leave those alone."
"Status: unstable. Diagnosis-"
Josh started laughing.
"Fine but the diagnosis is wrong."
I walked away from the wall and over to his desk. He gave a confused look.
"What do you mean it's wrong?"
"You'll find out soon enough."
"Tyler go sit down if your going to be in here."
"Whats that?"
I asked gesturing my head toward a blue binder on his desk.
"My work. Now go sit down."
"Can I see?"
"What about that one can I see that one?"
I asked now gesturing to the red binder.
"No go sit down."
"Can I wear your lab coat?"
"Fine can I wear one of those weird mask thingys?"
He sighed.
He grabbed one and put it on me.
"Cool. Look at me Josh."
"I see."
"Can I pleeaasseee wear you lab coat?"
"You know what fine go ahead."
I smiled as he placed it over my shoulders.
"Hey Josh who am I?"
I cleared my throat.
"No Tyler you can't do that, you have to keep the straight jacket on because I said so and I know everything."
"Hmm Dr. James?"
"Tyler that's not funny."
"It is funny."
Dr. James tried to ignore me and resumed with his work.
I ran over to Josh.
"Dr. Tyler is here to make you feel better!"
"Oh is he?"
"Yes now whats wrong?"
"Hmm I don't know."
"Let me see."
I said inspecting him.
"I think you need a shot."
"Oh no not a shot."
"Yes a shot."
I ran over to the counter and looked around for needles.
When I found them I tried to grab them but I couldn't because I was still in the jacket.
"Josh come grab the needle."
Dr. James looked up and scrambled out of his seat.
"Tyler go sit down and stop playing around."
I walked back over to the chair I was sitting in and plopped down.

Dr. James sat back down shaking his head.
I kicked the side table that was next to me and knocked over the flower vase that was on it, it broke.
Dr. James slowly spun around in his chair.
I said quickly trying not to cry. I didn't mean to knock it over.
He got up and started cleaning the mess up.
I looked up at Josh then down at Dr. James.
"I'm sorry Dr. James. I didn't mean to."
He shook his head again.
"I really didn't mean to I'm so sorry."
"If you were being more careful it wouldn't have happened."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
I sniffed.

After the mess was cleaned he went back to work again.
I stood up again and starting walking around.
"Dr. James whats this?"
I asked looking at something on the counter.
"Don't touch that."
"How am I going to touch it? My arms are kinda strapped to my chest."
"Just go sit down."
"But what is it?"
"Oh my god Tyler."
"What I just want to know what it is."
"Its a cast saw, its what we used to cut off casts."
"Oh.... I'm really hungry."
"Then go eat."
"But the jacket."
"What about it?"
"Take it off."
"Tyler I know you want it off but we can't trust you with it off right now so your going to have to put up with it."
I sighed.
"Okay. Lets go Josh."
"I'm going to need my coat back."
I nodded and walked over to him so he could take it off.
"This too."
He didn't say anything he just took off the mask thing.
I then walked out of the room, Josh following behind me.
"Looks like you gotta feed me."
"Be careful I don't bite your fingers off." I joked biting the air and skipping off down the hall.
He laughed.
When we got to the cafeteria I sat down while Josh went to get us some food.
He came back a few minutes later and set the food on the table.
"Open up." he chuckled picking up some food.
I opened my mouth widely and closed my eyes.
Josh then continued to feed me til I said I was full.
After we went back to my room.


It's now later on in the day and I am running around to room with Josh chasing me.
"Aha you'll never catch me."
I screamed jumping off the bed and running past Josh.
He laughed.
"Wanna bet?"
I giggled, while biting my lip and Josh made slow strides toward me.
He moved forward in attempt to grab me.
"Aahhhh!" I tried to run away but he caught me, picked me up and spun around.
"No." I laughed as he started tickling me.
We fell onto the bed as he continued tickling me.
I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.
The door opened then and Dr. James came in.
"Oh someones having a good day so far."
I was unable to answer because Josh didn't stop tickling me.
I was squirming and laughing.
"Josh. Stop." I got out in between laughs.
He smiled and ceased his movements instead leaning up and pecking my lips.
I sat up trying to catch my breath.
"So Tyler did you eat?"
"Good and your doing okay? Any episodes today?"
"I'm okay, no episodes."
"That's great."
I leaned into Josh.
"So how are you feeling?"
"Just Okay?"
I thought for a moment.
"Happy." (angry.)
"Your happy."
I smiled and nodded. (no.)
This is the first time in a long time that I'm actually happy without there having to be a reason, I just feel happy. (no I don't.)
"Well that's good."
"Okay well I got to get back to work seen you Later."
Dr. James left, leaving me and Josh by ourselves again.
Josh draped an arm over my shoulder and laid us both down.
We sat just staring at the ceiling in silence.

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