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Josh stayed with me.
Not just the rest of that day, but for weeks. 2 weeks to be exact.
He held me through the nights and cared for my wrists and my hand, never leaving my side.
My hand is almost completely heeled and the cuts are getting there.
He left today.
He wouldn't tell me why.
He just said he'll be back later.
I miss him already.
I'm not allowed to be alone in my room anymore so since he's left there's been a guard in here with me.
Todays also the first day I'm going to talk to Dr. Varrence since it happened.

"Hey Tyler, how are you?" Dr. Varrence said.
"Yes. I'm great actually."
"That's wonderful."
"Yeah... Josh has been helping me a lot."
She smiled.
"He really loves you, you know."
"I know."
"No I mean he really really loves you..... You should have seen him. As soon as we told him what happened he was in the car and on the way here. He wasn't supposed to go in your room but he fought and screamed until we let him go. He was just screaming your name, frantically trying to see if you were okay."
"He was?"
"Yes. He even yelled at me."
"He cares about me that much?"
I smiled and hid my face in a pillow, thinking about how lucky I am to have Josh.

" I hate to break the happy mood but I want to ask you a few questions."
"Oh.... Do we have too?"
"I would appreciate it if we did."
"Okay so.. What was going on in your head when it was happening?"
".... I think blurry was yelling and that's all I could hear besides the constant ringing in my ears."
"Okay what were you feeling?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Nothing? Not scared or sad or mad? Nothing?"
"Hmm... Okay.... What about what you used? What did you use? They couldn't find anything in your room that you could have used."
"A pencil sharpener blade."
"..... A pencil sharpener blade?.... How did you end up with that and where did it go?"
"I had it in my notebook... It's been there for years. I asked Josh to bring me my notebook and he did... He didn't know it was in there though.. If he did he probably wouldn't have brought it. And its still in my notebook but I told Josh to take it with him cause I don't want it anymore."
"Okay.. I see."
"..are we done?... I don't really like talking about this."
"You don't?"
"No... Just it brings back memories that I don't particularly want to remember."
"Okay.. We don't have to talk anymore.. Thank you for telling me what you did."
"You're welcome."

Dr. Varrence left and the guard came back in.
"What can I do for you?"
"Nothing I just want to talk."
"Okay. Talk about what?"
"I dunno.... Um... Why did you want to become a security guard?"
"Because I like helping people and keeping people safe."
"What about you? What do you want to do?"
"I would want to be a singer or something and use my songs to help people... But I'm probably not getting out of here anytime soon so that idea is pointless."
"Dreams aren't pointless kid."
I shrugged.
"Whats your name anyway? You've been my guard for a while now and I don't even know your name."
"You can call me Kenny."

"Are you married?"
"Do you have any kids?"
"Yes. I have a little girl."
"How old?"
"Whats her name?"
I smiled.

"Do you know when Josh is getting back?"
"But whens later?"
"I don't know a few hours."
"Oh... Can we go for a walk?"
"A walk?"
"Just for something to do."

Kenny stood up and opened the door, I followed behind him.
We walked around for about a half hour.
Then Kenny took me to the cafeteria to eat.
After that we just sat in my room until Josh showed up.

"Josh!" I yelled when he walked through the door and flung myself at him.
"Hey baby." he sounded tired.
"Are you okay?"
He smiled tiredly and nodded.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah.. I actually got some good news."
"You do?"
He pulled me over to the bed, sat down and placed me on his lap.
"So what is it?"
"I got a job."
"What!? That's great!"
"I know.. That's what I was doing today.. Job hunting. I start tomorrow.. The only bad news is I won't be here as often.. But I'll be getting some money so hopefully I'll be able to afford my own apartment."
"It's okay if your not here as often.. You need to do this."
He nodded.
"I love you and I'm proud of you for getting a job."
"I love you too and I'm so so proud of you Tyler, you have no idea.,
I smiled and kissed him.
"Alrighty. Let me see your arms."
I leaned back and held out both my arms as he went about taking the bandages off.
"Look at that."
"Their practically fully healed you don't have to were these anymore."
I smiled.
He kissed some of the marks.
I smiled with my bottom lip tucked in my teeth.
"He still isn't back."
"Good. I hope he never ever comes back."
"Me too.... It's weird to think about you know."
"What is?"
"You and me. How we started off as complete strangers and now if you leave for two seconds I already miss you."
He smiled
"Can we take a nap?"
"Of course."

He laid down and I laid next to him.


"Tyler?.... Tyler baby wake up."
I felt Josh slightly shaking my shoulder.
"Hmm? What do you want ya smelly?"
"I don't know I'm tired."
"Sorry I just thought you'd want to say goodbye before I leave for work."
"You have to go now?"
I looked up at him.
"It's like five thirty in the morning."
"I know.. My shift starts at six."
"Why so early?"
"It's just what they assigned me there's nothing I can really do about it."
I sighed and sat up.
"Have a good first day at work. Love you."
I placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"I love you too. I'll see you around supper."
"M'kay I'm going to go back to sleep."
"Okay goodnight." he kissed my forehead before leaving.

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