CHAPTER 35: Make It Through The Week

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More then a few minutes passed but eventually Josh pulled back and sat on the bed.
I sat beside him.
"First off.. I'm sorry for not coming.. But I couldn't.. I didn't want you to see me like this but then Dr. Varrence called your mom and your mom made me talk to her on the phone and when she told me what you were going through I forced myself to come because I didn't want you to get set back for having a break down or something."
I nodded.
"Next um.. I guess I should explain what happened."
"Well uh.. My dad.."
I could already tell where this was going from the mention of his dad.
"He uh told the judge or whatever that I hurt him and my mom.. I didn't but that's what he told them. He told them that I broke into their house while they were sleeping and attacked them while they slept... I Didn't. So uh.. I told them I didn't and they believed me, thankfully. But after my dad was mad about it and he... Yeah.."
"Josh.. Why? .. He... I.."
I felt myself starting to get angry.
"If I ever meet him.. He's going to regret anything bad he's ever done to you."
Josh smiled slightly.
"It's okay Ty.. You don't have to do anything... But uh more has happened besides that."

"The next court date my dad had told them I stole from not only him but other people in their neighborhood.... Which wasn't necessarily a lie because I have but anyway I got in trouble for that. My dad also told them some more lies about me hurting people or doing things I shouldn't have been doing. They believed him that time so I got mad and started yelling at him which caused him to get mad and beat the shit out if me right then and there.. I'm not going to go into too much detail about what happened during it or what was said but um it was bad.. They put a restraining order on my dad... He's not allowed to see me anymore."
"Wait Josh.. You steal things?"
"I used to.. When my parents first kicked me out I'd like take some food or something... It was never anything major."
"Anyway.. Of course my dad was upset about the restraining order and he broke it.. He came to your house about a week later and beat the shit out of me again... Your dad stepped in.. Your mom called the cops... I went to the hospital... And that's about it.. Since I got back from the hospital I've just been sitting in the bedroom."

I hugged Josh and started crying.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I love you."
"That's not a reason to cry baby."
"I missed you and to know that your dad did that to you makes me sad. I hate your dad. I hate him so much. I wish I was there. I would have killed him if I was. I can't stand the thought of him hurting you.. Or anyone hurting you."
He hugged me tighter.
"It's okay Ty.. I'm okay.... I'm okay."
"No your not. I should know. I spent most of my life pretending I was okay when I wasn't.. I know your not okay Josh... But it's okay to not be okay."
"Your right... I'm not okay... But that doesn't mean I won't be.. I just need time is all. I'm just a little broken at the moment... But that doesn't mean I can't be fixed. I will be fixed cause even being here with you for the short time I was has already glued a lot of pieces back together."
"I love you Josh."
"I love you too."
".... I feel stupid."
"Just some of the things I was thinking while you were gone.. I was stupid to even think that. I don't want to talk about it though.. So don't ask."

Dr. James came into the room.
"Josh, Tyler?"
He smiled.
"I've changed my mind."
"....about what?"
"I'll give Tyler a week. If he has no break downs or anything he can go."
"I CAN!?!?"
I scrambled away from Josh and tightly hugged Dr. James with a huge smile on my face.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
He hugged back.
"Your welcome but I have to go."
I nodded and watched as he left the room then I turned to Josh who had on the same smile as I did.
I ran to Josh, tackled him onto the bed and kissed him.
I pulled away and hugged him.
"Thank you Josh."
"For what?"
"Helping me. I wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for you. I love you so so so much. Thank you for everything."
"Well if me helping you is the case of you thanking me then I should thank you for helping me."
"Helping you?"
"Mhm. You've helped me just as much as I've helped you."
I smiled and closed my eyes with a content sigh.
I just have to make it through the week.

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