CHAPTER 57: Dr. Hawley

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"No don't go."
"Tyler I have to."
I pouted.
Josh had to go back to work today because he hasn't been there in a while and his boss said if he didn't go back today he would be fired.
Josh kissed me then left.
I sighed and sat on the bed.
I'm angry now.
Angry at Josh's boss.
Angry at a lot of things.

Dr. James came in.
I'm angry at him too.
I furrowed my eyebrows and gritted my teeth.
"Is there something wrong?"
I jumped up off the bed and slammed him into the wall.
"Tyler calm down."
I punched him and threw him to the ground.
Then I kicked him and sat on his stomach.
"Tyler calm down!"
I punched him again.
I started choking him.
He tried to push me off but failed.
He tried again with more force and succeeded.
I fell backwards while he quickly stood up.
I screamed.
"Tyler calm down it's okay. What happened?"
I jumped up off the floor in attempt to grab him but he stopped me by grabbing both of my hands.
"NO!" I yelled trying to pull away.
He let go and I fell backwards again.
He shook his head and pulled out his phone.
I rolled onto my knees and gripped my hair, leaning downward and screaming.
A few minutes pass before Dr. James grabbed me from behind, easily picking me up.
"NO! PUT ME DOWN!" I screeched, kicking my feet.
He dropped me on my bed.
I tried to get off the bed but he stopped me by pushing me back on it.
"Tyler calm down and tell me whats wrong."
"Fuck you!" I yelled.
"Language Tyler... You better calm down before they get here."
I jumped at him, successfully tackling him.
He tried to grab my hands but failed.
I started choking him again, putting as much pressure as I could and not letting up.
He started to fall unconscious.
I was abruptly pulled off him.
He gasped for air as a few nurses ran to his side to see if he was okay.
I turned around in the guards grip, shoved him back harshly and punched him.
I grabbed his shirt and punched him again.
"Tyler stop it right now!" Dr. James yelled, his voice hoarse and strained.
I turned around to see him now standing.

Imprints of my hands on his neck.
One hand curled into a fist while the other still had a tight grip on the guards shirt.
My eyes darted around the room.
There was a lot of people in here.
I didn't even realise half of these people came in.
I looked back at the guard then threw him to the ground.
I stood looking at Dr. James.
I clenched my jaw and looked away.
Dr. James took a step toward me.
My eyes shot back up to stare at him.
He kept walking closer until he was face to face with me.
He probably thinks I'm done.
I'm not.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.
I looked him up and Down.
"Lets play a game." I whispered.
"Tyler no."
"The rules are: no one is allowed to touch me. Or else. I can touch them, but if they touch me, it's not going to end well... It's not going to end well either way just don't touch me. The game is simple. You've played it before. I'm going to ask you questions each question you get wrong I'll hurt someone. You have five seconds to answer each question. Understand?"
"Tyler were not doing this."
I let go of his shirt and paced around the room.
I took a deep breath and walked over to the door, shutting it calmly.
I turned back around and counted everyone in the room.
There was about ten people other then myself.

"First question. The first day I came here, I had an episode. What was that episode about?"
I stood in front of the door so no one could try to leave.
"Five, four-"
"You didn't want to be here so you got mad."
"Next question. Why didn't I want to be here?"
"Because you believed you were well enough not to be here."
"Next question. When I first told you about blurry your first reaction was what?"
"Five, four, three, two, o-"
"To tell you... That he wasn't real?"
I licked my lips.
"Next question-"
"What happens if I don't answer before you get to one?"
I stared at him.
"Then everyone gets hurt."
He nodded.
"What did you say to me on my birthday last year?"
"Five, four, t-"
"I don't know happy birthday?"
"Wrong. You didn't say anything."
I took a step forward scanning everyone to see who I wanted to hurt first.
"Tyler don't hurt anyone."
I sighed.
"That's not how the game works."
I stopped in front of a nurse.
She looked petrified.
I smiled.
"Can I see your arm please?"
She shook her head.
My smiled dropped and I grabbed it anyway.
"Tyler what are you-"
I twisted her arm harshly.
A cracking noise sounding through the room.
She screamed.
I smirked and resumed my place back in front of the door.

The door opened from behind me causing me to quickly turn around.
I stopped my movements and gulped.
The only person here that holds more power then Dr. James.
Dr. Hawley.
The only person that could scare me enough to get me to behave.
I've only met him a few times and each time was because I had a really, really bad episode or because I was acting up really bad.
I stared at him with petrified eyes.
"Tyler." he spoke.
"D-dr. Hawley."
"I've heard some pretty interesting news about you lately."
I nodded.
He looked around.
"Whats going on here?"
He raised his eyebrows at me.
"Hello Dr. Hawley glad you could make it."
"Hello Dr. James. And yes once you told me how Tyler's been acting lately I knew I needed to pay him another visit."
I looked at the ground.
"Care to explain Tyler?"
"We were playing a game." I said quietly.
"Which game?"
I looked over at the nurse who was holding her injured arm.
"Is it a fun game?"
"Is it a nice game?"
He hummed and nodded.
"I see.... Tell me how to play the game."
"I a-ask Dr. James questions a-and if he gets them w-wrong or doesn't answer in t-time I hurt someone."
"How is that fun?"
I shrugged.
He shook his head and took a step toward me.
The only reason he scares me so much is because he's really big and scary.
Like his really tall, muscular and intimidating.
I'm tiny.
So he scares me.
He's also very stern and if things get bad enough he'll put you in the safe room which is basically a dimly lit white room that has no furniture or windows. I've only been in it once.

"Tyler. Do I have to put you in the safe room?"
I shook my head.
I hate the safe room.
There's literally nothing to do in there but sit on the floor while your mind yells at you for hours on end until he decides you've had enough and you can only leave if you promise to be good.
"So your going to be good?"
I looked around everyone's eyes were on me.
My eyes landed on Dr. James who held a stern expression.
"I can't promise anything."
I half mumbled.
"What? Speak up."
"I can't promise anything." I said a little clearer.
"Why not?"
I didn't speak and I didn't make eye contact with anyone.
"Why. Not?"
"Because I know I'll end up doing something."
"You will, will you?"
I really wanted to smack that smirk off that Dr. James was now wearing.
I stared at him angrily.
He let out a breathy laugh and I didn't care anymore.
If I go to the safe room then I go to the safe room.
I launched myself at him.
He fell backwards onto my bed.
I continuously hit him while sitting on his stomach.
Dr. Hawley grabbed me and pulled me off him, holding me still.
My anger filled breaths being the only sound.
Dr. James' lip and nose were bleeding.
I stared at him.
Dr. Hawley let me go to see if Dr. James was okay.
I walked to the door and closed it forcefully.
"Tyler open the door."
I shook my head.
"Tyler." he warned.
I know I'm already guaranteed to be going to the safe room so I want to have some more fun before I'm dragged off there.

I swallowed harshly.
"Next question. This one's for Dr. Hawley." I said shakily.
"The first time you came to see me was for what reason?"
I took a deep breath.
"Five seconds. F-"
"Because you attacked one of the other patients. But were not playing this Tyler."
"Next question. Why did I attack the other patient?"
"I can't remember. It was last year Tyler."
"Not a valid answer."
"Were you mad?"
"Yes but why was I mad?"
"I don't know."
"That's a shame."
I pointed to one of the guards.
The new guard.
He looks the most scared.
"You. Come here."
The guard cautiously walked toward me.
"Give me your hand."
He shook his head.
"Hand. Now."
He took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever I was going to do and gave me his hand.
I grabbed one of his fingers and looked him in the eye before dislocating it.
He cried in pain.
"Tyler!" "Tyler!" both Dr. Hawley and Dr. James yelled at the same time.
"Your done go back over there."
He slowly walked back to where he originally stood.
Dr. Hawley walked up to me.
Towering over me and looking down at me.
I got cocky.
I shouldn't have done any of that.
I'm really scared now.
"Mhm?" I was to scared to actually speak.
"Your going to the safe room."
I nodded.
"Let everyone go then we'll leave."
He said grabbing onto my upper arm.
"Go." I spoke quietly staring at the ground.
Everyone scrambled out of the room.
Dr. Hawley's grip tightened on my arm as we walked down the halls to the safe room.
I mentally prepared myself for the torture of being in the safe room for who knows how long once the door came into view.
Dr. Hawley unlocked the door and dragged me inside.
He let go of me and I sat down on the floor.
"I assume you remember the rules?"
I nodded and he left.
The lock being the last noise I heard for hours.

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