[chapter fifty-one: "he's a charmer"]

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Chapter 51: "He's a Charmer"
Third Person POV

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It was a cold November night back in 1991 when Scott and Jolene first met. Jolene had recently been signed by World Championship Wrestling at Diamond Dallas Page's suggestion; she would be working alongside Dallas and his Diamond Studd as one of their Diamond Dolls. Even on Jolene's first night in the business, she carried herself in a confident, flirtatious manner.

Really, what else could you expect from her?

Jolene had arrived at the small arena a couple of hours before the show started, just as Dallas had advised her. The dark-haired woman had been walking around backstage in an attempt to learn the setup when she encountered a man that she had seen only in pictures. She approached the man - whose shoot name she knew was Scott Hall - with a smile on her face.

The moment Scott laid eyes on Jolene, his eyes lit up. It seemed as though he somewhat recognized her as well.

"Hey, so you're our new girl, right?" Scott began with a charming chuckle. "Jolene, uh... Mumford?"

"You're close." Jolene giggled with a flirtatious grin. "It's Milford."

"It's nice to meet you, Jolene." Scott took one quick look over the smaller female's body before sending her a wink and nudging her side with his elbow. "I might just get used to seeing you around."

Their first conversation wasn't anything special, but it was one that neither of them would ever forget. Jolene and Scott had both been utterly infatuated with one another from day one, but their deeper, truer feelings wouldn't blossom until much later on. In fact, after the two had introduced themselves to another, they parted ways for the moment. Jolene went to find Dallas as Scott went to change into his gear.

"Hey, Dally." Jolene greeted as she leaned against the wall beside of the hunched over man, watching as he laced his boots. Upon hearing Jolene's voice, Dallas looked up and sent her a smile.

"Joli? Oh, hey!" Dallas quickly finished tying his boot and then straightened himself up before pulling his dear friend into a hug. "What's up?"

Jolene happily returned the gesture. She always feelt at ease when she was with Dallas. "I met your Diamond Studd."

"Well, he's our Diamond Studd now, sister. You're a part of this group just like we are." Dallas chuckled as he leaned over, picking up his coat and slipping it over his shoulders. "What do you think about him?"

"I can't really say. We didn't have the most extensive conversation." Jolene gave a small laugh before a more devious expression came to her pretty face. "He's awful hot, though."

"Ah, come on, Joli!" Dallas chuckled and shook his head in a disapproving manner. "He's not that hot."

"He's pretty damn hot." Jolene protested with another laugh of her own. "But don't worry, Dally. I literally know nothing about this guy."

"Not yet, anyway." Dallas grinned and patted Jolene's back, amused by his younger, female friend. "Just don't fall for Scott, okay? He's a charmer." Dallas playfully warned. "Remember, we've still got to work together."

Naturally, Jolene wasn't the least bit worried about falling for their ruggedly handsome co-worker. She had been divorced for nearly two years, but another relationship was the last thing that she wanted. Besides, the way Jolene saw it at that point, she would never love again.

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