[chapter fifteen: "different"]

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Chapter 15: "Different"
Scott Hall's POV

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"She'll be going back any minute, since they just got her knocked out. She looked so sad, but I had her laughing right up until she closed her eyes." Kid sighs as he scratches the back of his neck. "You guys sure you don't want me to get you anything to eat before I leave? I really don't mind."

"I'm good." Kev looks over at me as he speaks, and I nod in agreement. "You can just head on out if you need to."

"I feel so bad about having to leave, but at least I got to see Joli before her surgery. Give her a hug for me, okay? And let her know I'll stop by to see her whenever I can." Kid looks heartbroken, but I'm not surprised. If he hadn't been called in for some corporate shit, he'd be staying right here with us.

"We will, man. I'm sure she appreciated the hell out of you going back with her." I pat Kid's back and give him a smile. The hospital only allowed one of us to stay with Joli while they prepped her for surgery, and since Kid can be the most comical in tense situations, he was the one we chose. It sounds like he took care of her, so we made the right choice.

"I guess I'll see you guys, then. Call me as soon as you can!" Kid frowns as he goes to leave.

"See you, brother." Kev waves as Kid walks off. "We'll update you ASAP!"


Kev and I both watch Kid leave before we start speaking to each other. It's only the morning after Joli got injured, but goddamn, it feels like it's been days. I slept like shit in these little hospital chairs, and I know it had to have been worse on Kev. I mean, it's kind of obvious it was; he looks exhausted. He's a tall guy and that shit was hard. The stress didn't help, either.

"How long do you think her surgery will take?" Kev asks as he leans back in his chair. "'Couple of hours?"

"Something like that, I'm sure." I reply, trying to come up with some sort of real answer. My brain feels fried. "Two, two and a half at most. They did say that if it goes smoothly, she'll be released tonight, right? Or did I make that up at some point?"

"No, they said that. Remember? We told her we'd take her home." Kev jokingly shoves my shoulder and we both laugh. "We'll have to rotate on the way there. I know you're as tired as I am, so we'll take turns napping. I just hope Joli's not in too much pain afterwards." Kev then sighs, placing a hand on his head. "I don't know though, they could give her so many pain meds that she's high off her ass."

"That'd probably be better for her." I mutter. That surgery isn't going to be the easiest to recover from, not at first. She'll definitely be in a shit load of pain, and I hate that so much.

I should've been more careful. I should've made sure that she didn't get hurt, but I didn't. Stevie and I fucked that spot up, and Jolene was the one that had to pay for it.

Oh my God, Joli, I'm so fucking sorry.

I lean over in my seat and drop my head before running a hand through my hair. I'm lost in my thoughts until Kev's voice makes me straighten up immediately.

"'Morning, Eric."

Sure enough, the moment I raise my head, my eyes land on a grinning Eric Bischoff walking towards us. Eric stops once he's standing between Kev and myself, and after taking a quick look to make sure that we're the only other two people in the waiting room, he starts talking.

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