[chapter forty-two: "a fuckin' mess"]

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Chapter 42: "A Fuckin' Mess"
Scott Hall's POV

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I'm just so tired of all of this. I'm tired of the pain, I'm tired of the frustration, and most importantly, I'm tired of pissing my best friends off when I certainly shouldn't have to. This fuckin' angle has done nothing but ruin things between me and Kev and Joli.

Dammit Kid, why'd you have to get hurt? I miss you, man. I need you to come back here and straighten me out, or at least be as fucked up as I am.

Fuck, I don't need to think like that. Ugh.

I run a hand across my cheek as I look down at Joli, who has fallen asleep on my shoulder. She's so damn tired that she doesn't even care that the airport we're in is loud and busy as all hell. Kev's on her other side, and he keeps glancing over at her to check on her. I wish I had what they have, but ha! That's a fucking hilarious thought at this point. Regardless of everything I've tried, I've just managed to push Joli away lately.

Or maybe, that's just what I really want right now? If she's not close to me, I can't really hurt her, can I? Eric probably wouldn't like this train of thought, but fuck him. He's the reason I'm in this shitty situation in the first place.

I carefully reach down into the inside pocket of my jacket and pull my flask out just a tad bit after I look around and make sure that no one is watching me. If I wasn't a short taxi ride away from home, I wouldn't have bothered even bringing it, but the booze fuckin' numbs the pain. I need something to hold me over until Joli and Kev get on their flight to Detroit.

God, I feel so bad for them. They can't hug or cuddle or kiss or whatever on their way back to Kev's, because of this damn angle. I'm sorry, guys.

I nearly jump out of my seat when I feel Kev poke my shoulder. He shifts his gaze from my eyes to my flask, and he's wearing this disapproving look on his face. I just shrug and take another drink before sliding the little container back into my jacket.

Kev thumps my shoulder again, this time a little more harshly. I whip my head around to look at him again, and he mouths 'the fuck?' to me but I don't care. I don't see what the big deal is.

Joli starts to stir, and she glares at both me and Kev before moving off of my shoulder and slinking down into her own seat. She drifts back to sleep almost immediately.

Once again, I go to turn my attention away from Kev, but he thumps me again. He motions for me to follow him, and against my better judgment, I do. While Joli snoozes in her seat, Kev and I head to the bathroom.

After Kev does a quick little scan of the bathroom and makes sure we're alone, he turns to me and shakes his head. Like I need this fuckin' look of disappointment, man.

"What's your deal, brother?" Kev finally asks. "Drinking in the airport? Really?"

"It's not like I'm driving. I planned on getting fucking wasted when I got home anyway." I don't see what the big deal is. "It's fine."

"You're going downhill, man. Just talk to me." Kev pleads, but I'm not buying it. I don't really want to have this conversation right now.

"I'm not going downhill. I'm just fine. I'm sorry that my life isn't as perfect as yours, buddy." I chuckle mockingly. Fuck, this isn't going to end well. I'm already getting ticked off. "Like, I'm sorry I'm not an ideal fuckin' boyfriend that can keep himself clean and doesn't have to resort to booze to fuckin' feel good. Sorry."

"Jesus Christ, you're already drunk." Kev sighs heavily. "Go home, Scott. The angle will be okay if you don't see Joli off. Just sell a fuckin' stomachache or something and you'll be fine. Eric won't be able to bitch at you for not feeling well."

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