[chapter eighty-one: "eric's absence"]

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Chapter 81: "Eric's Absence"
Jolene Milford's POV

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The wind blowing across my face as Kev, Scott, and I speed down the highway is rather relaxing. Today's been one of the hotter October days this month, and this whole car ride hasn't been too bad.

I'm in the backseat with my head dangling partially out of the window. My right hand is just toying with my lighter, just so that I have something to play with. Scott's driving and Kev is snoring in the passenger seat.

My poor babe is worn out today, and I can't blame him. Last night, after the Thunder taping, Kev was stuck at a creative meeting with Russo and Ferrara and the other jabronis on the team. They were changing up plans for Halloween Havoc, and goddamn, I don't see why.

Things were okay before Russo and Ferrara got their grubby little hands all over the show, but what do I know? I'm just a manager. I'm a 'piece of ass.'


Ever since Eric was taken out of power a couple of weeks ago though, I feel as though the air backstage has been a lot more clear. I'm not choking on my breath whenever a certain piece of shit comes along, because he's not there to pollute the airways. That's pretty nice, honestly.

I don't believe that he's been completely taken out of WCW, because he'll always have a hand on Ted Turner's balls. He might not be in management anymore, but he's still somewhere in the company, waiting for his perfect opportunity to get back up the ranks to come along.

At the same time, I wonder if that opportunity will ever come for the little bitch. Not because he's not cunning or sneaky or damn good at getting what he wants, but because our fucking company is falling straight into the depths of hell.

Goddamn, I don't know how I feel about that. WCW needs to make some serious changes or we're going to lose everything; I'm talking about changes that are bigger than changing our creative team up.

Getting rid of Eric was a great first step, because the way that he's been dropping Turner's money has been a big part of the problem. WCW has been shooting through its funds to get all of these 'big names' but at the end of the day, it's just really not been working for us.

Ha! Do I really have any room to talk, when Ted Turner's money is going to be paying for my wedding? I guess not. From a personal standpoint, I appreciate the money that Eric has moved from Ted's pockets to mine and Kev's, but from a business standpoint, it's probably not necessary.

Man, I'm going to be married again before too much longer aren't I? Huh. That's something I never thought I'd be able to say.

"Scott." I lightly punch the back of his shoulder as I sit back up in my seat.

"What's up?" Scott whispers in response. He quickly glances at me in the rear-view mirror.

"Pull over at the next gas station you see. I need smokes and I've gotta go." I tell him. I sit my lighter in my lap and I reach for my cigarette carton, only to realize it's not in the seat where I left it. "Motherfucker..." I mutter as I begin my hunt my smokes.

"Gotcha." Scott tells me. "There should be an exit sometime soon, so you'll be good."

"Awesome." I quietly reply. I'm almost in the floor by this point, and I still can't find my cigarettes. Goddammit.

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