[chapter twenty-six: "this wild life"]

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Chapter 26: "This Wild Life"
Kevin Nash's POV

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I hate this feeling of unease that washes over me as Scott and I walk into this little bar after Nitro. Things have been so weird today and I hate it. We met up at the arena earlier, like we had planned, but it's just been so strange. All damn day we've been together, pretty much, from noon on; we hung out together backstage as usual, we got a room after the show, and we headed over here. Everything is off, though. Scott and I have barely talked at all today.

It's as if he knows what happened between me and Joli, and he's trying to avoid it altogether. I haven't mentioned anything to him yet, and I know she hasn't said anything. Joli's too afraid to, so I'm stuck doing it.

I don't want to hurt Scott either, but I guess it's better me than her.

We're on our way to the back when some older dude - he's probably in his late fifties - waves at us and gets our attention. He's just sitting at the counter, a cup of what appears to be scotch in his hand.

"Hey, I know you guys! You're Hall and Nash, right? From that wrestling thing?" He chuckles.

"That's us." Scott forces a grin for the guy. We both throw up a too sweet to the man, and he nods contently back at us.

"Hey, go on back and get us a seat." I tell Scott. "I'll get the drinks."

Scott looks like he wants to fight me on that for a moment, but he ends up just heading on back. I can't help but sigh; I watch him walk away for a second before approaching the counter. I give our orders to the bartender as soon as I make eye contact with the guy.

"Having some trouble?" The older man asks as the bartender pours mine and Scott's drinks. I raise an eyebrow in response. "You and your friend there. You look like you're not on as good of terms as you should be."

"It's complicated." I mutter, watching as our drinks are made. I really don't want to give this man my life story.

"Fair enough. I've had my fair share of fights with my best friend over the years." The man laughs before taking a drink. "I'll leave you be. Whatever it is, I hope you two settle it soon."

"Me too." I whisper as the bartender finishes filling up mine and Scott's glasses. I nod in farewell to the older man as I go to leave with our drinks, but he's not paying any attention to me anymore. Whatever.

I sit Scott's cup down on the table and slide it over to him once I find him in the back. He gives me this fake little smile before picking his drink up and downing half of the damn thing. I have to stop myself from sighing once more as I take a seat across from Scott.

It honestly does kill me to see Scott like this. I wish there was something more I could do to help him, but the only thing I can think of to do is tell him the truth. He's not mentioned Joli today, but I know she's what this is all about.

There's no real reason to put this off any longer, is there?

"Scott?" He looks up when I call his name, and the look on his face makes this harder than it already was. "You know I fuckin' love you, don't you, man?"

"You don't have to try and sugarcoat anything for me, big guy. I know what you're going to say." Scott lets out this sad little laugh. "I could tell by the look on your damn face this morning that you and Joli are together; you just didn't know how to tell me."

Fuck, it wasn't that obvious, was it?

"We're not officially together, man. It's like a starter run; she wants something more, but she's not ready. We were sitting around the fire and she just sprang it on me." It's relieving to get this off my chest, but I wish I didn't see this damn hurt look in Scott's eyes.

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