[chapter fifty-four: "a quite tough choice"]

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Chapter 54: "A Quite Tough Choice"
Third Person POV

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Once Kevin, Scott, and Jolene began to hang out with one another, a strong bond of friendship quickly developed between them. Of course, Scott had initially been the link between Kevin and Jolene, but in what felt like no time, the three of them were undeniably close. Whenever the three of them had a free moment of time, they were together. Or, in the off chance that the three of them couldn't get together, you could usually find at least two of them in a bar or somewhere similar raising all sorts of hell.

By the time February 1992 came, Jolene felt as though she had known both Kevin and Scott all of her life. It was entirely true that the woman had grown rather attached to the two men rather quickly, but there had just been something about their charisma and attitudes that had drawn her in from the get-go.

Then again, at that point in time, Jolene wasn't necessarily the most social woman in the world. She had Scott, Kevin, Dallas, and Kimberly in her group of friends; of course, she also enjoyed Levy's company as well. Their relationship was strictly professional, however, as they rarely socialized outside of work.

At this particular moment in time, Jolene, Scott, and Kevin sat outside of a small ice cream parlor around noon in the afternoon. Neither Scott nor Kevin had picked up a cool, delicious treat, but Jolene had acquired a large bowl of chocolatey goodness. The trio sat beneath a little umbrella, enjoying a rather warm day in the winter.

"You know, you're one of the only people I've ever met that would eat ice cream in the damn winter." Scott pointed out as he leaned back in his creaky, plastic chair. "Most people find it redundant."

"I'm more confused by the fact she's got a bowl bigger than her head and she's scarfing the shit down like it's nothing." Kevin jokingly shook his head. "Jolene, you should not look as fuckin' hot as you do when you can eat like this."

Their comments amused Jolene greatly. She shrugged at the two men and scooped up a bit more of her ice cream onto her spoon. "In my defense, it's not really cold today, and this isn't that much. You two are just pansies that couldn't handle this much good shit."

Scott and Kevin exchanged knowing glances for a just a quick moment; by the time Jolene had figured out what they were planning, it was too late. Scott and Kevin took the extra spoons that they had received when Jolene ordered her ice cream (because really, who would've expected her to eat it all on her own?) and each took a bite from the cup.

"What was that?" Scott teased. He licked the corner of his mouth to wipe away a little bit of stray cream, something that Jolene found to be extremely sexy.

"You guys are assholes." Jolene whined as she scooted her cup closer to her on the table. She glared playfully at her friends, who merely laughed.

Although Kevin and Jolene weren't aware of it at the time, this would be one of the last few times that the three of them would be able to hang out as members of WCW for several years. Within the next month, Scott would be signing with the World Wrestling Federation under the ring name of Razor Ramon and leaving his pals behind.

As Jolene ate her ice cream, Scott and Kevin watched as others passed by them. Eventually, in an attempt to bring conversation back to the table, Scott turned to Jolene with a raised brow.

"You know, Joli, you need to talk about yourself more. Really." Scott commented. "Like, come on, babe. I don't even know your middle name."

Jolene had just shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth, so she had to swallow that before she spoke back up. "In my defense, I don't know either of your middle names. So you can't just throw me under the bus for that." She pointed out, looking from Scott to Kevin.

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