[chapter thirty-three: "together"]

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Chapter 33: "Together"
Scott Hall's POV

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"Oh my God, that was the most painful plane ride that I've ever experienced. Please, next time we fly, promise me that we're not going to have to go through that shit again."

As soon as I hear that familiar, whiny voice from across the room, I whip my head around. Sure enough, Shawn's clinging to Paul's shoulder, complaining endlessly about the ride they just finished.

I look back over at my group for a moment, but I roll my eyes once I realize they're all asleep. Joli's laying with her head on Kev's arm, and he looks like he's about to snap in half, because he's bending so far back over the seat. Kid? He's halfway in the floor, from sliding in his chair. Since Kid is the closest to me, I smack him as I stand up.

"They're here!" I tell Kid as he jumps. I hear him land on the floor with a thud as I dart over to meet Shawn and Paul. "Hey guys!"

"SCOTT!" Shawn greets me enthusiastically. He throws his bags at Paul before wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing the air beside both of my cheeks. "Oh, I've missed you, buddy!"

"Fuck off, Shawn!" I laugh as I shove him back. "I've missed you too, dummy."

"Take your shit back." Paul rolls his eyes as he returns Shawn's bags to him. "Hey, Scott."

"Hey." I send Paul a grin as Shawn begrudgingly accepts his baggage. Damn, this feels good! It's been way too fuckin' long since the whole Kliq got together.

"Where are the rest of our friends?" Shawn sighs. "You know, the ones that actually like me? The ones that won't shove me away or hit me with my bags?"

"Shawn, I never- You know what, never mind." Paul pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.

"They're over-"

"KEV! KID! JOLI! THERE YOU FUCKERS ARE!" Shawn cuts me off as he yells and runs towards the three lazy bastards. Paul and I watch in amusement as Shawn leaps right into Kev's arms. Kev doesn't push him away; instead, he wraps an arm around his waist and starts ruffling his hair. He goes to kiss Kev, but stops himself.

"Do you see this guy?" Paul laughs. "Can you believe him?"

It's honestly pretty funny watching Shawn jump out of Kev's arms. The area has started bustling and booming, so I can't hear what's going on, but it looks like Shawn's trying to convince Joli to kiss Kev in his place. There's a lot of pointing going on, and it looks like Joli might be trying to get Kid involved in this weird little thing? I don't know.

"He's a sight. I've missed Shawn, though. He's the kind of goof that you can't replace." I chuckle. Shawn's a good guy, deep down.

"Definitely." Paul nods and then looks over at me. His eyes are narrowed, and I can tell he's really studying me. I don't like it.

"What is it, man?" I ask.

"How've you been, Scott? Like, truly. Don't bullshit me. Are you doing okay?" I don't think that the lobby of an airport is the best place to talk about my life, and if it were anyone aside from Paul asking, I'd give them a smartass response. I trust Paul, though. He's good.

"I've had some rough spots, man. I'd be lying if I told you I was completely fine all the time, because I'm not." It's hard to admit, but it's the truth. I turn my attention back to our friends, who still seem to be laughing and fucking around with each other.

"How have you been handling..." Paul nods over towards Kev and Joli, a neutral expression on his face. "You know."

"Honestly? It's hard sometimes. I'm happy for them, I really am." I frown at Paul. "Please, don't think for a second that I want anything less than the best for those two. I love them both, just in different ways." My shoulders slump. I hate talking about this, but again, I just trust Paul so damn much. "I wish Joli had chosen me, but I know that's not possible now. She and Kev are completely in love."

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