[chapter sixty-five: "the best thing"]

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Chapter 65: "The Best Thing"
Scott Hall's POV

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The WWF has WrestleMania, and WCW has Starcade. While their big show of the year usually takes place in either March or April, ours takes place much later in the year. In fact, this year, our Starcade takes place just two days after Christmas. It sucks because we haven't had much time to rest after the holidays, but it is what it is.

I mean, I was able to spend Christmas with Cody, so I really have no reason to complain. Seeing his sweet little face light up as he opened his presents made me happier than I've been in quite a while. My boy is getting to be so big now, I can barely believe it. It's mind-blowing to think about how my boy is going to be eight years old soon.

Where has the time gone? It seems like it was only yesterday that my little Codster came into this world. So much has changed since then, but my love for him has only grown.

My son is the fuckin' best.

Today, Starcade day, has been as crazy as you would expect. We've been running press shit and fan events all day long, and even now, near the end of the whole thing, it's hectic.

Don't get me wrong, I love this shit, but it can be rough sometimes.

I look over at Kev and Joli as we all stand together at Gorilla. It's just about time for the main event to start, and it's going to be a big one.

Kevin Nash vs Goldberg for the WCW Championship. Will Big Sexy take the title, or will Goldberg's streak continue?

I'm really not upset that Bill's streak is ending, if I had to be honest. I'm not the biggest fan of the way Bill acts. Maybe this will shut him up.

"You ready to fuck some shit up out there, man?" I give Kev a grin.

"Oh, yeah. This should be fun." Kev laughs. He's been trying to no-sell the fact that he's hyped as fuck to be champion, but I see through him. I mean, it's obvious by the look on his face that he's excited!

"You guys know that I'm going to have more fun with this than I should, right? I couldn't think of a better way to send '98 out." Joli's eyes are bright as she undoubtedly imagines what it's going to look like when I tase Bill.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to that, too. Is that petty? Probably. But it'll be fun.

"Thirty seconds, you two!" One of the backstage workers tells Kev and Joli. I pat Kev's shoulder and give both him and Joli proud smiles.

"Go kick some ass, guys. Knock 'em dead." I tell my best friends. Joli nods back at me and Kev just fuckin' grins.

The two of them kiss and scoot closer to the exit. As soon as our music hits, Kev and Joli head on out.

I can hear the pop that they get as I head over to find a monitor to watch. Although things haven't been the best for WCW over the past couple of months, the nWo is still as over as it has always been. Degeneration X and Steve Austin have helped pull the WWF out of their rut in the ratings, but we're still killing it.

Still though, I can't help but wonder about this company sometimes. Is this shit going to pick back up soon, rating-wise? This Monday Night War has become wild, and even though we lead the race for a long time, we've had our asses handed to us this year. '96 and '97 were our years, but '98?

We've been royally fucked.

Ah well, I guess I can't really complain too much, considering that I'm still pulling a huge paycheck. I get paid, even if WCW gets its ass kicked. This whole guaranteed money deal is the fuckin' best.

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