[chapter ninety-six: "if not for him"]

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Chapter 96: "If Not For Him"
Jolene Nash's POV

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Have you ever had a feeling of dread that just seemed to encompass your entire body, no matter how hard you tried to fight it? Like no matter how many times you tell yourself, 'Hey, bitch, settle down. Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as you think,' you're still fuckin' terrified?

That's the way that I'm feeling as my ass sits in the lobby of the hotel that Vince is having our big meetings at. The hotel is huge, and he's rented out the entire business section for the day. He's calling all of us in individually to talk about our futures and what sorts of bullshit he's got planned for us.

Part of me is surprised that he's taking the time to meet all of us like this, but at the same time, he isn't taking very long at all with each person. I guess it all balances out in the end.

Dally's back there talking to Vince right now, and he's been back there about five minutes. I absentmindedly tap my left foot on the floor as I stare at a nearby clock on the wall. At best, Dally will be back there another five minutes; at worst, another fifteen.

I wonder how it's going in there with my big brother and our new boss? Probably better than it will go for me, honestly. Goddamn, I do not want to do this.

"You alright over there, Jolene?" Booker's voice catches my attention. He's with Buff and Chavo, an odd little trio that all sit in chairs on the opposite side of where I sit. "You look sick, girly."

"I don't see how anyone could not be sick, waiting to meet Vince McMahon." My face twists into a grimace.

"It's just a quick meeting," Buff assures me with a nonchalant shrug, "I don't think it will be bad."

"We're just learning about our storylines." Chavo adds.

"I don't like it, though. This all just feels... I don't know, it just feels fuckin' wrong." I shake my head. I don't even know what I'm trying to say.

"Is it because you're not going to be in the main storyline anymore, Miss nWo?" Buff, you dumb son of a bitch, you were in the nWo, too! "Ah, shit, it's Mrs. nWo now, isn't it?"

I don't want to think that Buff's actually trying to be a dick, but I can't help the glare that I send him. He rolls his eyes at me and I flip him off.

"It's got nothing to do with that. Main event storylines don't mean shit to me; I just don't like it here." I cross my arms across my chest as I lean back on my couch.

"Even with just these meetings, I can tell it's a lot different than WCW." Book adds to my point. I've always appreciated him; he's one of the few people that really admired our company like I did. "'Can't really tell if that's a good or bad thing yet. I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"From what I've heard from the boys that have already met with McMahon, it seems like we're doing some sort of 'WCW/ECW vs WWF' angle." Buff clears his throat. "'Course, I'm sure the winner of the feud is going to be obvious. No way in hell the WWF wouldn't go over."

Of course. Vince just has to stick that knife as deeply into the wound as he can. It's not bad enough that he beat (and bought) out both WCW and ECW, he's got to bury the talent on his television as well.

Classic McMahon.

"Who's he gonna put on this team, though?" Chavo asks, raising a curious brow. "All of us that he's got the contracts of, or...?"

Book starts snowballing some names, but he's quickly cut off by Dally's appearance. My big bro looks confused as hell, but before I can ask what's up, he makes my stomach flip.

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