[chapter eleven: "good lord"]

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Chapter 11: "Good Lord"
Kevin Nash's POV

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"Anyway, what do you guys want to do? We've still got a few hours before the show starts." Scott leans back against the closest wall in our locker room, looking between me and Kid. "Food should be here before too much longer."

"We could just sit around and kill some time. I'm sure Joli will be here soon." Kid replies as he sits down on a bench across from me. "Whenever she gets here, we could all grab a bite."

"That fine with you, man?" Scott looks over at me as he folds his arms across his chest. "I mean if you've got any ideas, I'm up for anything."

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm cool with just killing some time." Like Kid said, Joli should be here before too much longer. She's riding with Dallas and Kim today, since me, Kid, and Scott had to be here so early. We had meetings and all kinds of boring shit this morning.

I grab my bag out of the floor and open it up. I'm going to go ahead and get my gear out, so that I can just snag it and change whenever the time comes. However, the moment I look down at my bag, I mutter an aggravated, "Fuck."

"What is it, big guy?" Scott tries to peer over so that he can look in the bag, but I drop it to the floor in frustration.

"I forgot my fuckin' pants at the hotel. They must've fallen out of my bag last night when I was getting shit out of it." Ugh, this is great. I get up out of my seat and walk over to Kid, holding out my hand. "Give me the keys. I'm going to call the hotel and see if Joli's still there. If she's not, I'm just going to run back and get them myself."

"You sure? I'll go get them for you, if you want me to." Kid offers as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the keys. "I don't mind."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm the one that forgot it." I shrug as Kid hands me the keys. I slide them into my pocket before giving Scott and Kid a little wave. "I'll see you guys eventually."

"All right. See you." Scott chuckles as I leave the room.

I head on out towards the nearest phone and dial up the hotel, making sure that I get sent to our room. The phone rings and rings, but I don't get an answer. I guess Joli, Kim, and Dally have already left. Looks like I'm hauling my ass back to the hotel after all; it's not too long of a drive though, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal. I just can't believe I fuckin' forget a damn part of my gear.

It happens to all of us at some point or another, right? I've forgot little parts of my gear before, but it's always been something simple that I can do without. I mean, I guess the pants aren't necessary, but I'd rather have them than not. At least I've got plenty of time, though.

The drive back to the hotel isn't very eventful, and once I'm there I head up to our room. I slip the room key out of my wallet once I'm at the door, and once it's unlocked, I swing it open.

Oh. There she is. There's Joli.

"Hello." I blurt out, staring at Joli's near-naked form. She's standing right in sight of the door with her hair soaked and only a towel covering her body. Holy fuck.

"Kev! Goddammit, close the door!"

"Oh, right."

I quickly scurry into the room and shut the door behind me as Joli lets out a sigh. I give her a grin as she takes a seat on our bed. She's blushing now, poor thing.

"Sorry, babe. I thought you'd left already. I forgot my ring pants here, and uh, I called to see if you were still here, but you were obviously in the shower." I apologize as I mindlessly look around the room for my pants. Of course they're in the corner, under my other bag.

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