[chapter ninety-nine: "full circle"]

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Chapter 99: "Full Circle"
Final Chapter
Jolene Nash's POV

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There are some moments in life when you have to just sit back and wonder, 'Wow. How the fuck did I end up here? Is this really happening to me?' and honestly, I'm living one right now. I see the world and the people around me very clearly, but there's still part of me that is a bit blown away by disbelief.

I'm at motherfucking Wrestlemania.

On top of that, I get to work this event with my husband and our best friend. I get to be apart of Scott Hall vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, and I even get to take a fucking STONE COLD STUNNER! How insane is that?

I'm definitely not a huge mark for Vince or his company, but there's just something about being at Wrestlemania that just feels so satisfying, you know?

When people say that this is the biggest show of the year, they're right. Starrcade was big, sure, but this is fuckin' huge. Just the bloody atmosphere here is leaps and bounds different than anything we ever had in WCW - which to be fair, this is different than any other WWF show I've ever been at.

I can't knock Vince when it comes to the amazing experience that is Wrestlemania. I mean nowadays, the entire week before is like some big fan event. At Axxess, the marks get to go out and have the time of their lives meeting their favorite wrestlers and socializing with other people just like them. It has really blown my mind how big of a shindig this is.

"This is fuckin' crazy," Dally comments as we stand by Gorilla, watching the end of the Rob Van Dam/William Regal match that's starting the night. My big bro has his European Championship around his waist and just seeing it gives me an immense feeling of pride. He deserves a title. "The crowd is hot."

"It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. There are so damn many of them out there." I can't wrap my mind around it.

I could say a lot of shit about the way Vince runs his company, but at the end of the day, none of my opinions matter. His company is a global phenomenon and none of it would be possible without the crazy guy behind the reigns.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but WCW couldn't have ever been like this. We tried and we failed because Vince really does have a wacky way of running a business.

"Every Wrestlemania been like this?" Dallas asks, looking over at Kev. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a beat seeing him in his nWo ring gear again.

It takes me back to a simpler time, when WCW wasn't filled with bullshit and morons. When we ran the fuckin' place.

"It's a lot different now than it was at my last one," Kev admits with a shrug, "But then again, I was sort of checked out at that point anyway. They made me look like a fuckin' dumbass in my match with Mark, so it was what it was."

"I can't imagine it was anywhere close to this back in '96," I say as RVD knocks Regal down and begins to climb the ropes, "The WWF wasn't as big then."

BOOM! Frog Splash.

"Plus there was the whole fact that everyone believed I'd single-handedly run the company into the ground with my world title reign, but again, what can you do when the booking is shit?" Kev lets out a laugh and it makes me smile.

I'm so helplessly in love with him.

"Whats it like to have the freedom to shit talk your employer with absolutely zero repercussions?" Dallas grins and holds his hands up. "I'd really like to know."

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