[chapter ninety-eight: "welcome back, boys"]

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Chapter 98: "Welcome Back, Boys"
Scott Hall's POV

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To be completely honest, I never thought that the day would come when I'd be backstage at a WWF event again, let alone waiting to make my return. When I left to join WCW in '96, I was certain that all of my bridges had been burned for good. It's kind of nice to know that wasn't the case.

I mean, I never wanted to leave the WWF in the first place, but I didn't really have a choice. Vince didn't give a shit about me and the money Turner offered was too good to turn down. I did what I had to do at the time and I don't think anyone should fault me for that.

Besides, it wasn't exactly like WCW was full of flowers and sunshine. If there's one thing that my break from wrestling has made me realize, it's that I really got fucked up during that second run in Joli's favorite company.

At the beginning, it was so perfect. I loved working with Kev, Joli, and Kid and just fuckin' shit up everywhere we went. All of those nights on the road were a blast, and they're some of the memories that I hold near and dear to my heart. After a while though, things just started to decline for me.

I don't know what the real turning point was, or when it really started. I guess my alcoholism mixed in with the demands of the company and the shit Bischoff put on me, and it just really took a toll on my health. The whole thing with Joli and Kev fuckin' hurt, but I can't say that they're the reason I've suffered so much because they're not. They've been so good to me, even when I've given them every reason in the world to turn their backs on me.

Then there was the whole situation with Alundra, who still crosses my mind far more frequently than she probably should. She's near the top of the list of things I fucked up.

I really wish that I could say that I'm drastically better off now, but that isn't exactly the case. My break was great because it gave me a chance to relax and spend time with my son, but I didn't make any progress in fixing my mental health. I went to a couple of therapy appointments, but they just seemed to do more harm than good for me.

Simply put, I'm in the same shitty shape I was near the end of WCW and there's nothing I can do to fix it.

Today though, I'm going to try and not worry about all of that. Tonight is going to be pretty fuckin' cool.

As soon as I walk into the arena for No Way Out, I'm taken aback by how different everything looks. Just the entire feel of the event is so different from everything I remember about the WWF. I guess having a shit ton more money at your disposal can really do that for a company.

Several people greet me as I make my way to the back, but it's really Kev and Joli that I'm looking for. I've only seen them once since WCW croaked and that's mainly my fault. We've kept in touch over the phone, but we haven't seen each other in months.

I find my best friends walking down the hallway near the dressing rooms. I sneak up behind them and wrap an arm around both of them.

"Hey guys, it's been a while." I greet with a grin.

"You're lucky I didn't smack the shit out of you." Joli rolls her eyes, but she at least looks like she's happy to see me. "Missed you too."

"Scott! How're you doing today, man?" Kev nudges me in the side and I laugh. "We were on our way to Vin Man's office. He wants to see you and me, but I had no idea when you'd be here so I was going to go see what it was about."

"I'm just tagging along until he gets there. I've got no interest in talking to the old man right now." Joli shrugs indifferently. I don't think she hates Vince, but really, who would want to just go see him for the hell of it?

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