[chapter thirty-two: "you got it"]

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Chapter 32: "You Got It"
Kevin Nash's POV

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As I look over myself in the full-body mirror in our hotel room, I wish I could stop my heart from beating as quickly as it is. I hope everything goes well tonight. Joli's placing a lot of trust in me tonight by letting me take her out on our first unofficial date.

I mean, she's got to start somewhere, right? I wish she didn't have to struggle with letting me in, but it's not her fault. It's all because of that bastard ex-husband of hers.

I do look pretty fuckin' good tonight, I can't deny that. My hair is pulled back and I'm wearing a nice, gray polo. I've also got on some black slacks and dress shoes. It's not the type of thing I'd normally wear out for a night on the town, but I'm taking my girl out for the first time on a date. It's a big deal.

Man, am I even prepared to see Joli? I know she's going to look a thousand times better than I do.

After running my hands along my pants a couple of times to smooth them out, I glance over at the clock on the desk. It's just about time to go get Joli. Oh, God, I shouldn't be nervous. Since when do I fuckin' worry at all?

Everything is so much different whenever she's involved. I guess that really is what love does to a person.

The room key catches my eye as I walk over to the desk, so I pick it up. I slide the little card into my wallet once I pick that up, and then I put my wallet into my pocket. Let's go find my baby.

As I approach Dallas and Kimberly's room, I spot Dallas sitting out in the floor. He's got his back to the wall beside of the door to their room. I shove my hands into my pockets as I approach him, a small grin sneaking its way onto my lips.

"The ladies kick you out?" I ask with a laugh. Dallas sighs heavily as he looks up at me.

"Yeah, about three hours ago. I went to the convenience store across the road about, what, an hour ago? Grabbed some water, some little treats." He motions to the plastic bag at his side with the empty water bottle in his hand. "They still won't let me in! They're saying that I'd ruin the feminine atmosphere."

"Huh. Who would've thought?" I playfully raise a brow as I look down at Dallas. "And here I thought that you would've had the most girly expertise of all, my man."

"You're such a smartass!" Dallas cackles. I can't help but widen my grin.

"I was under the impression that was the reason we became friends in the first place." I reply jokingly. Dallas shrugs before grabbing his bag and standing up. He wipes his hands on his pants and then pats my shoulder.

"You know I have to give you some strict speech now, right?" Dallas gives me a coy smirk. "After all, you're about to take my little sister out on a date."

Oh, boy. Here we go.

"Hit me with your best shot, buddy. I think I can take it." I remove my hands from my pockets, so that I can cross my arms over my chest. Dallas leans his back against the wall once more as he looks up at me.

"All right, so, as you're aware, my little sister isn't exactly the easiest lady to love on this Earth. She's sassy, she's sharp, and she's got a no-nonsense attitude that a lot of people aren't fond of." Dallas chuckles quietly before a more serious look crosses his face. He tone becomes more soft as he speaks. "But, that's not the tricky part. Joli's damaged, but that's something I'm sure you're more than aware of. I don't know what the degree of her pain is, and I'm not sure if you do, either, but you've got to be careful with her."

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