[chapter thirty-eight: "blurring the lines"]

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Chapter 38: "Blurring the Line"
Kevin Nash's POV


"Go out there and kill it tonight, you three!" Eric's cheers make my head hurt. I give him a nonchalant wave over my shoulder, as I don't even want to bother looking over at him.

What? It's time for us to go get the tag titles back. He'll be okay.

Our music hits and I crack a grin as I walk out with Scott and Joli. The crowd is pretty damn hot tonight, which is always a plus. I live for this feeling of excitement that always courses through my veins as I walk out to the ring with my two favorite people in the world. There's just something that's pleasantly chilling about the crowd screaming your name.

Tonight is a pretty big deal, since we're getting our titles back and The Steiner Brothers are disbanding. I mean, I personally wouldn't have had their breakup happen this soon, but whatever. Our nWo ranks are always growing.

As we pose in the ring, I send a quick, discrete wink to my babe. Joli grins back at me, and as always, I find myself feeling so fuckin' blessed to almost be with her. She's the damn best.

Scott and I too sweet each other before we all get out of the ring, so that The Steiner Brothers have room for their entrance. As we wait outside of the ring, I look over at Scott and give him a grin. He's been a little on-edge today and I'm not sure why; he's not been in a really bitchy mood though, and he's not had any booze, so I guess that's good.

As The Steiner Bros get on out to the ring and finish their entrance, Scott and I get back into the ring. Joli remains down on the ground on our side, with her hands placed firmly on the ring skirt. Scott and I poke fun at The Steiners as we go through our introductions, and as I look at the glistening WCW tag team championships, I'm reminded of how much I've missed them.

Or, at least, the nice little bonus we get for being tag champs. That's nice, too.

We all knew from the get-go that the match wasn't going to be a long one. After all, the big point of this match is to just have Scott Steiner get on our side and get the titles back on me and my brother. It's a lot of quick, high-paced action, and honestly, I'm barely in the ring at all until the end. To be fair, Rick should've known that something was up considering that Joli only tried to fuck him over.

The match draws to a close once Scott Steiner turns on Rick. The crowd instantly boos. I hit Rick with a powerbomb after interference from his brother and after I get the three count, I shoot back up. Scott, Joli and I all get in the ring to formally welcome Scott Steiner to the nWo.

The reaction is mixed, really. I think The Steiner Brothers were really starting to get over as a duo, but now, that's done. I think everyone really sees Scott as the stronger talent of the two, so they're all right with him joining us. It's strange, but we go with it. I guess time will tell if this was actually a good idea.

Both Steiner Bros leave the area so that Scott, Joli, and myself can celebrate in the ring. I go to pose on the turnbuckle while Scott and Joli take care of the middle of the ring. Right as I throw up a too sweet, I hear the crowd gasp in surprise. Did I miss something?

I turn around just in time to see Scott placing a big kiss right on my girl's lips.

What the actual fuck, Scott? What the actual goddamn fuck?!

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