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Third Person POV

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Sometimes in life, things just don't work out the way that you expect them to. Sometimes, no matter how good something may seem, there is always something that is waiting in the background to fuck it up.

"... and that's why I would like to announce that we're bringing in the man that was the most influential in making WCW the little pain in my ass that it was." Yes, Vince was going exactly where you are expecting him to. "Please help me in welcoming Eric Bischoff to our team!"

The meeting room filled with applause, the exceptions being the Nash couple. Kevin was silent as he watched his wife, aware that a shit-show was about to ensue.

"That's it." Jolene spoke loudly as she stood up from her seat. "Fuck this. I'm out. I quit."

Without a word more, the woman stormed out of the room. Everyone turned to Kevin, who had a rather serene expression on his face.

"She really did it, huh?" Kevin shook his head before resting it on the palm of his hand. "You know, she handled that a lot better than I thought she would."

"Well," Vince turned his gaze to the door for just a moment before returning to his train of thought, "I guess that's that then. As I was saying..."

The meeting resumed as usual, but Kevin found it hard to pay attention. Although part of his mind was trying to figure out what his wife was going to do now, he could help but focus mainly on that the fact that she hadn't physically attacked Eric Bischoff, despite having the perfect chance to.

In Kevin's book, he'd count that as a win.

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