[chapter forty-one: "testing the waters"]

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Chapter 41: "Testing the Waters"
Kevin Nash's POV

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As Joli walks into the bathroom of our hotel room, I place a hand on Scott's shoulder and lead him over to where our beds are. I cross my arms across my chest and lean down just a bit so that I can get closer to his ear.

"Hey, man. Can I talk to you for just a moment?" I ask him quietly, so that Joli can't overhear from the bathroom.

We just got back from a long fuckin' night of working on Nitro. Today's been a long day, but most weeks where we have a pay-per-view are.

I hate to have to talk to Scott in secret like this, but I've got to get some stuff off my chest. This damn angle between Scott and Joli has been tearing a fuckin' hole in our friendships. I know that Scott isn't intentionally trying to do anything to fuck with us, but I feel like he's really been testing the waters on things lately.

It just feels like he's been doing everything he can to try and put himself over in Joli's eyes. At first, I'd felt like he'd accepted me and Joli as a thing, even though we're still not officially there. But, nowadays, I feel as though he's completely disregarding everything that Joli and I working for. There are times when we're out of the public eye where I feel like he's trying to flirt with her just a little too much, even though he'd promised me he'd let her be.

I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Yeah, man. Sure. What's up?" Scott asks, titling his head up at me. I have to pause for a moment to figure out exactly how I can word this properly.

"Would you care to back off for a little bit on Joli? I know it's mostly for the angle, but I'd appreciate it if you sort of gave her some space. You're not breaking any boundaries, but I feel like you're trying to sway her shoot opinion." I shrug nonchalantly. "Just tone it back a little. That's all I'm asking."

Scott stares at me for a moment, and I can tell he understands exactly what I'm saying and where I'm coming from. He then cracks a grin and pats my chest a couple of times.

"Of course, man. Of course." Scott then chuckles and shoots me a smug smirk. "Why would I try and take Joli from you? You're my brother."

I'm not fond of the way he said that. There's just something about the way Scott's looking at me now that kind of ticks me off. It's like he's trying to get me riled up.

Scott, exactly what are you doing right now? You're not really being yourself right now, but like fuck I'm going to call you on that. Fuck it.

"Okay. Right. I get you. Thanks, brother." I tell Scott as I pat his back. He winks at me and then moves over to his bed so that he can flop down on it.

He's been so odd lately and I can't read him. If he's not flirting it up with my girl, he's either sad, pissed, drunk, or some weird combination of the three. I don't know what's going on with Scott.

At least me and Joli are going strong. Even with all of the chaos around us, Joli and I remain the same. I mean, we're actually growing closer and closer with each day that goes by. I don't think that it's going to be too much longer until she's ready for us to completely be together.

I mean, it's not like we aren't basically together already.

"You guys okay? I feel like I could cut the fuckin' tension in here with a knife." Joli comments with a small laugh as she walks over to me and Scott. "What's this about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I don't know what you're talking about." Scott chimes in. "We're good. I'm just getting comfortable."

"Yeah, we're cool." I nod, as it's easier to just go with whatever he's saying than try and explain this to Joli. I don't want her to think there are any problems between me and Scott, especially not when I don't even understand it all myself.

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