[chapter fourteen: "accidental"]

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Chapter 14: "Accidental"
Kevin Nash's POV

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The adrenaline that courses through my veins as I walk out the ring with my two best friends is nearly indescribable. The world is watching as I throw up a too sweet and glance over at Scott and Joli, the most smug of grins upon all of our lips. It's time for us to have a throwaway tag match against Harlem Heat, pretty much just to get us on the card. It works for me, though.

Once our entrance is finished, Joli blows Book and Stevie a kiss and winks at Scott and I before exiting the ring and standing on the floor outside of it. I pat Scott's back before stepping over the top rope and moving to the ring skirt, one hand holding onto the tag rope. Book does the same thing I do, since Scott and Stevie are starting us off.

The crowd is hot, as usual. It seems like we've got a group that are more WCW than nWo, which is rare at this point. It's actually kind of nice for us to be getting the reactions we're technically supposed to.

When Scott tags me in, I start wailing on Stevie. Scott works the crowd while Joli sneaks over to flirt with Book, taking away his attention. I feel like Joli's really settled into her character over the past couple of months, and I think that's awesome. She's always been a good, natural heel, but I just feel like her recent work has been some of her best. I'm proud of her.

The referee starts threatening Joli, so she backs off of Book and returns to our side. I knock Stevie down into our corner and tag Scott back in. I quickly glance down at Joli and share a quick grin with her after I've exited the ring once more.

The match goes on and on, and as we draw close to the end of the match, Joli hops up on the ring skirt on our side, standing on the opposite side of the turnbuckle from me. Scott and Stevie are in the ring, and it's just about time for Joli's little spot where she distracts Stevie and costs them the match.

I jump down and make my way over to Booker, who is begging for Stevie to tag him in. Once I reach Booker's side, I rip him down and start laying into him. Right as I land a kick on Book's back, I hear Joli shriek, but it's unlike anything I've ever heard from her before.

Oh, fuck.

I stop beating up Booker the moment her voice hits my ears, and I notice that she's neither standing on the ring skirt nor anywhere near ringside. What the hell happened?

Scott takes a quick glance over at where Joli had been before quickly calling the finish to Stevie. I dart over to where Joli should be as Scott gets Stevie up for the Outsider's Edge.

When I reach Joli, a referee is already at her side. I have to stop myself from cringing as my eyes land on her left ankle, which is obviously snapped. It looks like the damn bone is about to go through her skin. I can't make this look any worse than it actually is, not on camera. The crowd is going crazy, and everyone close to the barricade is trying to rush over and see what happened.

Joli's in so much pain that I can barely stand to look at her. I hate seeing her like this. The ref discretely motions for me to get back in the ring, so I send Joli a reassuring grin before turning my attention to the match.

I step over the top rope as Scott gets the three-count.

Scott and I weakly celebrate as Stevie and Booker head backstage. I can tell Scott's pissed and confused, and honestly, so am I. I don't know what happened, but I do know that Joli is fucked. She's in so much pain and there's nothing either of us can do to help her.

By the time Scott and I get the signal to leave the ring, Joli's already been taken backstage. They carted her out in a stretcher, and I hope they were gentle with her. If they move her too much, they'll end up making things a million times worse. The moment Scott and I are through the curtains, Kid rushes up to us.

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