[chapter fifty-seven: "you too?"]

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Chapter 57: "You Too?"
Third Person POV

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When Kevin had told Jolene that they needed to talk one faithful morning in 1993, she had known what he was going to say. Kevin had become a bit distant over the past couple of weeks, and although the two had spent a lot of time together recently, it felt as though Kevin had been hiding something from her. As they sat across from one another at one of Jolene's favorite little diners, the woman couldn't help the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

The two had made small talk as they ordered their drinks, but once their food orders had been taken, silence fell over the two friends. Kevin knew that what he had to say would hurt Jolene, especially considering how close they had grown since Scott's departure. Unfortunately, this was a conversation that they had to have.

"Joli, I hate to tell you this. I really, really do." The moment Kevin began talking, a pained smile came to Jolene's lips. She wasn't ready for this conversation; she never would be.

"I think I have a good idea of what it is you're going to say." The sad tone in Jolene's voice made Kevin's heart ache. "But it's okay. Let me down easy, babe."

Kevin took a sip of the water he had been drinking before placing one of his hands on Jolene's. The warm contact that should have brought comfort to the woman only made the conversation harder on her. As Kevin gently stroked the back of Jolene's palm with his thumb, he began to speak.

"The WWF sent me an offer I can't refuse. I'm going to be working as the big body guard for Shawn Michaels. It's a rough schedule, but it's a really good deal." Kevin seemed to be a bit torn, something Jolene noted.

"You too, huh? The WWF just love to take away my friends, doesn't it?" Although Kevin knew that Jolene was joking, he didn't miss the slight sadness that she let slip into her voice once more. "I'm kidding, though. I'm really happy for you! You'll be back with Scott. His Razor Ramon character is really taking off now; maybe you guys will get to work together? You know I'll be watching the shit out of that. I'm not going to miss a chance to see my favorite people in this industry steal the damn show."

The amount of pride that Jolene had in both he and Scott made Kevin's heart leap in joy. The dark-haired woman most certainly didn't want him to leave, but she understood that he had to. No matter what happened, Jolene always had their backs.

"Have I ever told you how fuckin' amazing you are? Because you're seriously the absolute best." Kevin's words brought a grin to Jolene's lips. "Leaving you is going to suck."

"It won't be that bad. We can still call each other whenever we get the chance and if by some stroke of luck we're able to really hang out sometime, we will." With the busy WWF schedule, it wouldn't be easy for them to see each other, but Jolene was optimistic. "Besides, who knows? Maybe I'll end up in the WWF some day. I mean I doubt it, but anything is possible, right?"

Jolene had to laugh at her own statement, feeling that it would be impossible for her to ever move to the WWF. It wasn't that she didn't have an interest in working there, it was just that she felt she wouldn't have anything to do. Besides, her ring announcer career had begun to take off. In just a couple of weeks, she would begin announcing matches on WCW's televised programs.

"I mean, fuck, I could wind up coming back to WCW." Kevin pointed out. "For that to happen, they'd have to give me a damn good gimmick, though. No more of this Master Blaster, Oz, Vinnie Vegas shit."

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