[chapter eighty-nine: "a toast"]

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Chapter 89: "A Toast"
Scott Hall's POV

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So this is it, huh? Jolene's officially a married woman again, and Kev's the lucky guy that's going to have her for the rest of eternity. The day has finally come, the vows have been said, and the deal has been sealed.

I'm happy for them. There's a part of my selfish heart that wishes it were me instead of Kev that Jolene married, but fuck it. The look on her beautiful face as she married my best friend was - and is - good enough for me. I may be one hell of a self-centered son-of-a-bitch, but the last thing I want is to ruin this for them.

I mean shit, Joli's parents have already tried to crash this thing. They're the reason that, even as we all relax at the reception, we've got security posted around the area. It's partially to keep things private, as Joli assumes, and partially to keep her jackass parents away from the beach.

We're still outside for this shindig, but we're under this nice little canopy. There's been all kinds of food, drinks (including alcoholic ones, which I've refrained from touching thanks to Paul's harsh guidance), jokes, and enough good company to make anyone smile.

I think Joli's also gone through at least half a pack of cigarettes. It's so much easier for her to smoke away her feelings than cry them out in front of everyone.

"Attention, everyone!" Dallas' loud voice booms over the crowd as he stands up on one of the tables. Like the rest of us guys that were in the ceremony, he's shed his suit jacket and his white undershirt is drenched in sweat. "I need my sexy babe of a wife and that crazy Scarface wannabe to get their asses over here!"

"Thanks!" I call out with a laugh as I stand up from my chair and walk over to where he's at. Dally sends me a grin, which I reciprocate. Kim leaves her seat at the table with Joli and Paula and joins us.

"All right, guys, it's time for the moment I'm sure that at least Kevin and Jolene have been waiting for since they got married." Dallas gives a comical smirk. "The speeches!" I see Joli send Kev a look of amusement. "Which of you wants the honor of embarrassing the happy couple first?"

Dallas jumps down off the table and grabs a wired mic from the nearby floor. He looks between me and Kim, waiting for us to decide.

"Ladies first." I tell her, motioning for Dallas to hand her the mic. "I know you're going to be a tough act to follow, though."

"She's worked hard on this." Dallas gives Kim a proud smile before kissing her cheek and putting the mic in her hand. "Make my lil sis cry some more, babe."

I wish I had a love as strong as what these two have. It's easier for me to be jealous of them than Joli and Kev; I don't feel guilty this way. Dallas and Kimberly are a great couple.

As Kim tests the mic, I take a seat on the same table that Dallas had stood on. Kim takes position in front of me, ready to give her speech.

"Dallas and I met Jolene back in the late summer of '91, at the bar she used to work at. Although I knew that Jolene and I would become good friends once we started working in the business together, I had absolutely no idea just how close we would become. Jolene Alice Milford Nash is my best friend in the entire world, and in the nearly nine years that we've known each other, I've never seen her happier than she has been tonight."

I look over at Joli as Kimberly speaks, and currently, Joli is shakily getting a cigarette out of her carton. Kev stops her, and motions with his head for her to just focus on Kim. I can see her mutter something under her breath, and I'm guess it's along the lines of, "Goddammit."

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