[chapter forty-five: "there's only so much a man can do"]

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Chapter 45: "There's Only So Much a Man Can Do"
Scott Hall's POV

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I watch Joli exit our hotel room before a sigh comes from my lips. I don't know where she's going, but really, it isn't any of my business. I know she'll be back soon enough, so that's okay with me.

I feel so weird whenever it's just the two of us on trips now, because the whole experience is always so heartbreaking. We share a bed, because Eric refuses to let us buy two-bed rooms, unless that's the only option, but she never faces me. I miss the days when I could just wrap my arms around Joli and bring her close. She's physically so close, but at the same time, I feel like she's so far away.


As I get out of bed and walk over to one of the corners of the room to grab a beer, I recall Joli saying something last night about her needing to run out early and do some shopping. We've got a busy day of press shit, and I think she wanted to get that out of the way beforehand. I'll probably be here by myself for a while.

I crack open my beer and then walk over to my travel bag. As I take a few quick drinks of the refreshing alcohol, I rummage through my bag in order to find a crumpled little piece of paper. I know I shouldn't be turning to a rat right now, but you know what? I really don't care. No one's going to fuckin' know it happened.

I walk over to the phone and dial up the rat's number. As I wait for her to answer, I chug my beer. Is it a good idea to be drinking like this at, what, six in the morning? Probably not. I'll make it, though. I always do.

The chick answers and I give her our room number, and she promises she'll be here ASAP. I hang the phone up and then go to get myself another beer. By the time the chick arrives, I've already downed three and a half of them. The rate at which I've downed my booze has left me a tad bit lightheaded, but it's no big deal. I can still preform.

She's a hot little number, with long, blonde hair and tits bigger than her brain. As I bend her over the bed and drop my shorts, I find myself trying not to sigh.

I'm ready for a quick fuck. It's been a long time since I've really been able to get off. Since this angle began, I've had to try and keep things secret. Now, I honestly don't care. I just need to blow a load.

As I'm fuckin' the bitch, I'm also downing more booze. She's going crazy and selling the fuckin' hell out of it, but I'm just going through the motions. At some point, she has me pull out and lay down so that she can ride me. That makes everything a lot better. I toss my empty bottle to the side and return my attention to chick on top of me.

I get so into it that I don't notice someone's at the door until a big burst of light hits us. I look over and see Joli staring over at me with a look of shock. She's got a coffee cup in one hand and a few shopping bags in the other.

She doesn't even say anything. She just walks back out and closes the door.

I turn my attention back to my rat. I get my release before telling her to get off of me. She quickly throws her clothes on before scurrying out of the room. I begrudgingly put my boxers and my shorts on as Joli comes back in.

"I thought you'd be gone longer." I tell her with a shrug. "Sorry you had to see that."

Joli stares at me for a moment, but after I take one quick glance at her, I look away. I know where this conversation is going to go, and I'm not ready for it. She's going to start scolding me again, like always. I hate it. I know I'm not good enough for her. I know. I know. I know.

"Scott..." Joli starts as she walks over to me. I turn my head as she tries to get closer. "You're really drunk already? It's not even seven in the morning!"

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