[chapter twenty-one: "possibilities"]

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Chapter 21: "Possibilities"
Scott Hall's POV

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As I sit here in the hotel room by myself, I find my mind running back to the conversation that Kev and I had a couple of weeks ago; that night when it was just the two of us, and we started talking about Jolene.

Kev's going to be making a move on her soon, and honestly, I just don't know what to do. What can I do? He all but admitted that he's fuckin' in-love with her.

I have to do something, though, don't I? Even if Joli doesn't necessarily feel the same way about me that I feel about her, I've got to at least let her know I love her, too.

Goddamn, this is rough. I've never been so fuckin' nervous about a woman in my entire life, but Joli's different. I've never quite met anyone who makes me feel the way that she does. Joli just brings out the better parts of me and she makes me so happy. She's everything I've ever wanted or needed.

Ideally, I'll be able to talk to her before Kev gets the chance. I know he wouldn't pressure her into anything, but I'd like to be the one to throw that shit out there first. My mind is spinning just thinking of this.

Maybe I could just call her up and admit my feelings to her? No, fuck, I can't do that. She'd be so confused if I just called her out of the blue and told her that I'm in love with her. That'd be so lame.

Okay, surely I can come up with a better plan? I could just ask her out to dinner or out to a movie or something, and somewhere along the way I could ask her if she'd like to make it a date. It's not necessarily the most smooth way that I could do it, but I'm sure it could work.

Or, maybe I should just drop it on her when she gets back to work? I could pull her off to the side after Nitro and just tell her then. No, shit, I can't do that; Kev will have probably made his move by then. I'm stumped.

I might talk to Kid about this when he gets back. I mean, if I want to go to anyone about it, he's my best choice. Shawn and Paul don't really know Joli all that well, and like hell I'm going to Dallas. He'd end telling her for me, and I don't want that.

I run a hand through my hair as I stand up off the bed and walk over to the large mirror on the wall. I look myself over a couple of times as I try to come up with some sort of game plan. I should probably just tell Joli how I feel, but for the first time in my goddamn life, I'm nervous about ruining a relationship.

She's hurt and so am I. Neither of us have the best track record when it comes to being with someone, but I really believe Joli and I could make it work. It just all depends on what she wants.

I shove my hands into my pockets right as I hear a shuffle at the door. A couple of moments later, the door opens, revealing a grinning Kid. He's carrying enough beer to last the two of us until Kev gets here tomorrow.

"I hope I wasn't gone too long. You didn't get bored without me, did you?" Kid jokes as he closes the door behind him.

"Nah, it's fine, man. Hand me one of those." I send him a grin as I walk back over to my bed and sit down. I open the damn bottle up the moment he hands it to me. "Thanks."

"No problem." Kid replies cheerfully as he grabs a drink for himself. He takes a seat in the office chair and kicks back in it before opening his beer.

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