[chapter seventy-one: "like responsible adults"]

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Chapter 71: "Like Responsible Adults"
Scott Hall's POV

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If there's one thing I can say for the current World Championship Wrestling, it's that there is never a dull moment around this damn place. At any given time, there's some sort of shit happening and if you're interested, you can watch some crazy drama unfold. Unfortunately, I don't really care enough to sit back and watch everyone else's lives fall into the shitter.

I'm sitting here with a beer in one hand and an apple in the other, mindlessly watching the news on the television in catering. We've got a show tonight, but I'll be fine. I always am.

Of course, as soon as I take my second drink of my beer, Joli tries to take it from me. I hold it out of her reach, and she pouts at me.

Dammit Joli, don't look at me like that.

"Scott, just give me the beer. You don't need that shit." Joli shakes her head and stares back at me with this pitiful look in her eyes. It hurts.

"I promise I'm okay. One little beer before the show isn't going to fuck me up." I tell her, partially saying the truth. It's not going to fuck me up, and I'm as okay as I always am nowadays.

"Are you sure about that?" Joli's eyes narrow, and she's trying her best to read me. I can't even read myself, sweetheart. You're wasting your time.

"I'm sure." I then take a large bite out of my apple. As I turn my gaze from Joli back to the television, I catch Kev watching me out of the corner of his eye.

I know they're both worried about me, and really, they have every reason to be. I've not given them any reason to not worry about me, after all. The past however fuckin' long it's been, I've been nothing but trouble to Kev and Joli.

But, that's neither here nor there. I'm just trying to enjoy a drink before the show.

However, before Kev and Joli have a chance to talk to me more about my drinking problem, a cold chill sweeps across the room. I'd have thought it was impossible, seeing as how we're no where near any outside air, but it happens.

Bret's cold h(e)art must be changing the temperature.

"There you are." Bret mutters as he makes his way over to the table we're sitting at. As I hide my beer under the table, I can hear Joli groan as Bret takes a seat across from her. "I've been trying to find the three of you all damn day."

"What for?" I can just hear Kev's aggravation in his voice, but he's trying to be mature about it.

"Well, I tried to have this conversation with just Jolene the other day," Bret glares at Joli for a second before turning his head as she raises a middle finger, "but she instructed me to speak to the two of you. I've put a lot of thought into what I want to say, and I almost want to apologize for the brash way I acted the other day."

"Really?" Joli smirks smugly.

"Almost." Bret reiterates. Joli's smirk drops to a frown.

"Okay, so what is it that you want to talk to us about?" I ask before taking a ridiculously loud bite of my apple.

What? I'm not going to make this easy for him.

"I've got some problems with you, and I'd like to settle this like responsible adults." Bret's voice is so monotone and boring, I swear, it's going to put me to sleep.

"There's nothing to discuss." Kev tells Bret bluntly. Joli snickers. "You don't like us and you've never liked us. We've 'killed the business' and 'slaughtered kayfabe.' Whatever, I don't care. You'll never like us no matter what we do."

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