[chapter thirty-six: "fuck it"]

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Chapter 36: "Fuck It"
Scott Hall's POV

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"Hey, can you guys hurry up? My head is killing me." I try to keep an aggravated tone out of my voice as I look over at my group. I don't mean to be grumpy with them, but this hangover headache is fuckin' painful.

"That's on you, man. You're the one that insisted on drinking so damn much this morning." Kev shrugs as he slings Joli's bags over his shoulder. "Traffic is going to be horrible."

"I know." I mutter, rolling my eyes. "It's going to take us a fuckin' hour to get back to the hotel."

"That's looking at it optimistically." Kid sighs as he kicks a stray pebble. He's as fuckin' hungover as I am, I know it. "Leaving after a pay-per-view is always the worst."

"It's a pain in the ass, but our numbers are higher than they've ever been." Joli chimes in. "You two can just sleep in the car until we get there."

"I definitely plan on it." I mumble in response. I hear Joli sigh from behind me.

I'm in such a bad mood, and I don't mean to be. Today was just really fuckin' rough, and I'm having a hard time with that. I'm dreading each day that passes, because I know I'm getting closer and closer to doing things that I don't want to do. Why am I the one that has to get involved in all of this shit? Why am I the one that has to fuckin' cause the rift in our group?

Fuck you, Eric Bischoff. I don't care if it's not something I have to do for another month or not, I really don't want to piss Kev and Joli off like that. I don't want to be your damn puppet. I don't want to have my best friends hate me.

God, my head is spinning. I need a drink or something stronger, but I'm not going to be able to get a damn thing until we make it back to the hotel. I knew I should've snuck something in my bag, but I decided against it at the last moment.

When we reach our rental, I don't waste any time in sliding into the backseat and dropping my bags into the floor. I shut my eyes as I rest my head against the window. I wince each time one of our doors slam, and honestly, I'm really fuckin' relieved whenever I hear Kev start the car. We all fall into silence as we head towards the hotel.

It doesn't take long for Kid to start snoring beside of me. I push him with one hand, but not too hard; I just to want get him to stop. Apparently that startles Kid, because he instinctively shoves me back. I grunt in frustration and smack his arm. We end up getting into this stupid little fight, just smacking the shit out of each other. I don't even bother opening my eyes until I hear a thud from beside of me.

"Cool it down back there!" Joli snaps. "Fucking hell, that hurt, Kid!"

"Sorry." Kid whines obnoxiously. "I didn't mean to kick you. I just moved the wrong way."

"Just go back to sleep, both of you." Kev says sternly. "We're still quite a way from the hotel."

"Fine." I grumble. I grab one of my bags from the floor, positioning it against the window like a pillow. Kid mutters another half-assed apology before settling down beside of me.

I'm not sure when I drift off into sleep, but I wake up to the bright-ass lights of the inside of the car shooting on. I grunt as I run a hand over my face, trying to wake myself up enough to get out of the car. One look out of my window lets me know that we have made it to the hotel, thank God.

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