[chapter seventeen: "start rambling"]

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Chapter 17: "Start Rambling"
Kevin Nash's POV

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"... So really, everything over here is more of a mess than usual. I cannot believe the kind of shit Bret is pulling, but we'll make it work. He's just so damn dramatic, feel me?"

I lean back against my headboard as I listen to Shawn rant on and on about the current WWF landscape. I've been on the phone with him and Paul for, what, half an hour? It seems like they've really been struggling over there, with ratings that are low and talent that doesn't want to cooperate.

"But anyway, at least RAW on Monday has some promise. We've got to haul our asses all the way to Norfolk, Virginia. It's a bit away from where we are now, but that's how it goes." Shawn sighs, but I grin.

"Norfolk, huh? That's where Joli's at." Paul and Shawn both gasp.

"Shit, do you think she'd let us stay with her?" Paul asks excitedly.

"Yeah," Shawn pipes in, "I'd much rather not have to deal with a hotel."

"Honestly, she'd probably welcome the company. Just take her some snacks and she'll accept you with open arms." I chuckle as Shawn and Paul cheer.

"How's she been lately, anyway? Is her ankle doing any better?" Paul's question makes me frown.

"She's all right, as far as I know. She's just damn lonely, sitting around her house all the time. I don't think she's able to get up and move all that much yet." Joli's got to be fuckin' miserable.

"Yikes! We'll go brighten her day up, man." Shawn chuckles. "Besides, we've not really had much of a chance to get to know little Jolene. It'd probably be a good idea to actually get to know the lady that our boys love, eh, Paul?"

"Oh, come on, Shawn, you know that Kev hasn't come to terms with his feelings. Neither he nor Scott have." Paul's comments make me roll my eyes.

"Shut up. Be good to her, all right? I'll come rough you two up if you mess with her too much." They both laugh. "I'm serious."

"We know, Kev. Come on! Trust us a little more." Shawn replies in a dramatic fashion.

"I do trust you guys." I mutter with a small laugh of my own. "Let me know how she's doing though, all right? Joli tells me that she's fine, but I don't know, I just worry that she's bullshitting me sometimes. If she needs anything, help her out."

"We've got it, man. Don't worry. We'll make sure your girl is fine." Paul chuckles. "I think we've got to get off here for now, though. What's Jolene's address?"

I tell the guys where Joli lives and then we say our goodbyes and get off of the phone. I'm glad that they'll be able to stop by and spend some time with her, even if it won't be for too long. Joli needs to see people, aside from the Paula chick that has been helping her out, anyway. I hate that I've only been able to swing by for a couple of days since she got injured nearly a month ago, but I've tried. I've tried so damn hard.

I look over at my half-packed luggage bag in the corner of the room and sigh. Tomorrow, I go back out on the road for another week without Joli. I've missed her so much lately, but really, what can I do about it? We've been on the other side of the damn country all week, and now, I'm finally home in Detroit, but that's still too far away from her. Fuck.

Even though I know I need to get my shit together for the next few days, I don't want to bother with any of that right now. I grab my phone once more and dial up Joli's familiar number. I can't help myself from fuckin' grinning when she picks up, greeting me with a simple, "Hello?"

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