[chapter ninety-one: "bite me"]

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Chapter 91: "Bite Me"
Kevin Nash's POV

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The moment that Joli and I walk into the Nitro arena, I can tell that it's going to be a long fucking night. Everyone seems like they're on edge, and the people that happen to glance at us soon drop their heads. What the hell is going on?

I mean, I didn't expect all of the random jabronis to congratulate us on our wedding, but I expected more from some of these little shits.

"What's everyone's problem?" Joli asks as we make our way to the locker room, like she read my mind. "This is weird."

"Yeah, you said it." Honestly, I'm not even sure if I want to know what the reason is. It's probably something stupid. "But if they want to act like this, fuck 'em. Whatever."

"Fuck 'em." Joli nonchalantly agrees. We leave it at that, until of course, we can't.

I should have known that the first person to talk to us after our return would be my wife's mortal enemy. Who else could it be?

"It's about time that the two of you returned." Eric's smiling, but it's that ugly, shit-eating smile that he's known for. Gross. "I wasn't sure if you would ever show back up."

"Thanks. The wedding was great, actually, and we had a wonderful time on our honeymoon." I tell Eric, as though he had asked. "Jolene and I fucked until she could no longer walk, and even then I still had her begging for me. At that point, I-"

"A week and a half. That's how long that you two were gone for all of your martial activities." Why does he sound like a pissed off principal? "Ten days. Ten."

"Yeah," Joli scoffs, "You think we don't know that?" She shakes her head. "Those are ten goddamn days that we put in for. We got the A-Okay months ago when we set a date for our wedding. It's not our fault that you can't keep up with your workers."

"As per protocol, all employees are supposed to check in before they take such a long period off." Eric's so full of shit. "Neither of you said a word about it. You're lucky that everyone that went to your wedding isn't in trouble, too."

"Get the stick out of your ass, Bischoff." I wave him off. "You're not going to punish them for anything. What, are you mad that you weren't invited?"

Eric doesn't seem the least bit amused by my joke, but Joli snickers. That's all that matters to me.

"What's got you in such a pleasant mood today, Eric?" Joli's mocking tone makes me want to kiss her. "Miss us?"

"WCW is in no position to do without top-level talent such as yourself." Eric scolds me, just to imply that Joli isn't important. This motherfucker. "We cannot risk you being elsewhere right now, Kevin."

"Buzz off. I'm not taking shit for getting married. There's nothing that you can say that is going to make me feel bad about it." And honestly, it's pissing me off that he's even trying.

"The company is in rough shape, Kevin." Eric tries to grab my arm, but I smack his nasty little hand away. "You. Me. Creative meeting. Tonight."

"What, did you forget how to speak in full sentences?" Joli antagonizes him. "I'm not surprised. It's probably hard to keep a lot of knowledge in that tiny brain of yours."

"Stop." Eric tells her simply. "This is a conversation between men."

"Bite me." Joli says venomously as she flips Eric off. I proudly wrap an arm around her shoulders and bring her close.

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