[chapter twenty-four: "like a fuckin' drum"]

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Chapter 24: "Like a Fuckin' Drum"
Scott Hall's POV

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The moment the phone by my head starts ringing, I wake the fuck up and groan. It's early as hell on this Saturday morning; who wants me at this hour? I don't really want to answer the phone, but if I don't, it'll wake Cody up. Last night it broke my heart when he didn't sleep in here with me, but this morning, I'm glad he didn't. Hopefully, he's still out like a light.

"Hello?" I yawn as I speak.

"Fuck man, did I wake you up? I'm sorry." It's Kev. Cool.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I'd have gotten up eventually." I mutter as I drag myself up, leaning my back against the headboard. "What's on your mind this morning, big guy?"

"Well," Kev lets out a heavy sigh, "I wanted to talk to you about Joli."

The moment her name comes from Kev's lips, I feel my heart skip a beat. Please tell me that I haven't already missed my chance with her. I was going to go see her this coming week!

"Are the two of you together now?" The words feel flat as I say them. "If you are, it's okay, I-"

"No, we're not. I told her how I felt about her yesterday and she said that she had a lot to take into consideration." In a softer, quieter voice, he adds, "A good part of it is that she's still so fucked up from her past marriage. She's terrified of getting into another relationship."

I smack the back of my head against my headboard, just enough to make a noise with it. Thomas, if I knew where you were at this minute, you miserable sack of shit, I'd go kick your goddamned ass. Why in the world did you feel the need to treat that beautiful, kind-hearted woman so fuckin' poorly? Why did you have to hurt her?

"Did she crack anymore about what he did to her?" I'm not even sure I want to know at this point.

"No. She's still not so much as mentioned him to me yet." Kev sighs once more.

"I hate to ask, Kev, but did Joli say anything about how she-"

"That's not my place to say. I didn't tell her how you felt about her, so I'm not going to say how she feels about you. That's between you and Jolene." I hate the feeling of hope and excitement that surges through me as I listen to Kev. I've got to talk to Joli as soon as I can.

"I understand." I say as I absentmindedly run a few of my fingers along the edge of my blanket. I don't know what to do, aside from just talk to her. But I can't really talk to Joli when she's with Kev; I'm sure the only reason he's talking to me now, is because she's probably asleep.

"I just wanted to give you the heads-up and let you know that I've at least made my case. The decision is hers to make." Kev clears his throat before he adds, "Nothing is ever going to come between us, brother."

"Of course. We're all family. Whether Joli ends up with me or you or even someone else, we'll all be as close as we always were." I pray that remains true. I'm trying to remain as hopeful as I possibly can about this, but I feel like I've already lost Joli because Kev talked to her first. Dammit!

"We're family forever, Scott."

"Hell yeah we are."

"But listen, it sounds like Joli's getting up. I'll see you at the arena Monday afternoon, okay?" Kev's voice instantly perks up the moment he says her name.

"All right, man. I'll see you then."

"Tell your boy I said 'hi'!" I smile. I can't stay upset too long, not at Kev. Not now.

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