[chapter ninety-five: "damn lonely"]

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Chapter 95: "Damn Lonely"
Scott Hall's POV

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It's been two weeks since that final episode of Nitro aired, and in the time since then, I feel like I've just been fuckin' lost. My second run in WCW might have been horrible for my mental health, but I'm pretty sure that not having anything to do is just going to make it worse.

Cody is here with me at the house, and he's going to be here for the rest of the weekend. Once Summer comes, he's going to be able to spend a lot more time with me. The only thing is, I feel so bad being around him lately. I've been such a shitty father and I don't know where to start when it comes to fixing things with him.

What do you say to your son, who has barely seen you in his nearly ten years of life? The son who has mainly seen you on the screen of a television? The son who has watched you make a fucking fool of yourself by passing out in a pile of your own vomit on that same television?

"Hey, Codster," I greet as I walk into the living room. It's somewhere around ten in the morning, and he's already glued to the TV. He's playing on some video game gimmick that he had me buy for him a couple of years ago; I think that little red fatass on the screen is Mar... Mario? Mahrio? Something like that.

"Hey." Cody doesn't even look at me as he talks. I can't tell if it's because he's too focused on his game, or if it's because he just really doesn't want to see me.

"You want some breakfast, kiddo? You know your old man can make some damn fine pancakes." I'm trying my best to hype him up, but I don't think he'd even give me the time of day right now.

"Pancakes are good." Cody has hunched over more in front of the TV, and whatever the fuck it is that he's having that red guy do, it seems like it's important to him. More important than some dead-beat dad that's trying to talk about breakfast.

"Pancakes it is!" God, even I can tell the enthusiasm in my voice sounds fake. "Don't sit so close to the TV, bud. That's not good for your eyes."

"'Kay." Cody scoots back maybe half an inch, his eyes never moving.

All right, cool. I'll go make us some grub, and you can kick the ass of whatever it is you're playing.

I head into the kitchen, and I've no more than grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet when the phone rings. I pick the cordless up out of the living room and pass a glance at Cody before checking the number on the phone.

Kev and Joli, cool.

Part of me had hoped that it had been Madusa that was calling. I've tried to reach her since WCW closed, but from the silent treatment I've received, I think she's just about done with me. I miss being able to talk to her, but I understand why she's giving me the cold shoulder. I can't give her what she deserves - a real relationship.

"Hey yo, what's up, guys?" I ask as I answer the phone and slide it between my shoulder and my ear.

"You're actually up." Don't sound so shocked, Kev. "Damn. I guess I lost that bet." I can hear Joli snicker in the background.

"I've got Cody this weekend," I tell him as I start gathering my flour and milk and shit for my flapjacks. "I'm trying to fry up some pancakes."

"Shit, we should be over there at your house then!" Kev laughs. I do kind of wish that they were here, just not now when I've got Cody. I miss my fuckin' friends.

"You two are welcome here anytime, you know that." I tell him with a small laugh of my own. It feels like it's been so long since I've seen them, even though it hasn't been too awfully long. I guess I just really am damn lonely.

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