[chapter seventy: "truly happy"]

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Chapter 70: "Truly Happy"
Kevin Nash's POV

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If you had asked me three years ago if I knew what true happiness was, I would have been lying to you if I had said 'yes.' At this stage in my life, I'm happier than I've ever been.

I have the most beautiful woman in this entire world as my girl, and she loves me unconditionally. I didn't know that it was possible to care for someone as much as I care for her. There's not a moment that I spend with her that I don't cherish, even when whatever fuckin' situation we're in is shit.

It's hard to believe that Joli and I have only been together for a little over a year, because really, it feels like we've been together much longer than that. Honestly, at this point, everything since my return to WCW blends together. If I think of something that has happened between '96 and now, I just assume that Joli and I were together.

This time has flown by, too. Although everything runs together, at the same time, it feels like it was only yesterday that I told her I loved her for the first time. Now, it's something I tell her several times a day.

Love is crazy, isn't it? It takes over your life, but at the same time, I'm not sure I'd have it any other way. Now that I've got Joli, I never want to let her go.

Once you've seen heaven, after all, why would you return to your meager world outside of it? In my case, Joli is my heaven; life without her at this point would be hell.

I guess my love for her is also what's changed me a bit. It's not been a bad thing, not by any means. I know that I've helped her grow as a person, but goddamn, she's done the same thing for me.

It's like I've got some sort of purpose now. It's not all about raking in dough, getting drunk with the boys, and taking care of a wrestling company that would literally be lost without me; life is more than that now.

Fuck, you see this shit? This is also what I'm talking about.

I'm a nearly forty year old man and I'm talking about love like a teenager. Worst of all, it doesn't bother me that much. I'm not going to get all mushy about this to the guys, but, fuck, I don't know, I guess I'm just truly happy with my life now.

Having someone you can rely on and give all your love to is fuckin' great, I'll leave it at that.

Right now, my ass is walking through this huge fuckin' mall in Joli's city of Norfolk with countless shopping bags hanging off of my arms. It's got to be a funny sight to anyone that passes by.

I mean, you've got me, an almost seven foot tall brute, who is being led around by a tiny, 5 foot 3 woman who, although she's hotter than hell, doesn't look all that intimidating when she's as happy as she is right now. I mean, Joli can be damn scary when she wants to be, but right now, she's peaceful.

I really am whipped.

"Oh, fuck, should we go there too, babe?" Joli nudges me with her elbow, nodding towards some sort of damn good smell. I recognize the store as soon as I read it's sign.

Bath & Body Works.

"I don't know, do you need to go in there?" I ask her with a shrug. "Do you need more lotion or any of that stuff?"

"I mean, not necessarily, but there's certain shit that a girl can never have enough of." Joli tells me as she thoughtfully stares at the store. She's weighing her options, I can tell.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better to go in there?" It makes sense to me. "Might as well stock up while we're here, right?"

"That would probably be a good idea." Joli hums to herself. She looks over at the bags that I'm carrying, and I can't help but wonder how she keeps up with everything that she's bought.

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