[chapter fifty-nine: "kliq boys"]

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Chapter 59: "Kliq Boys"
Third-Person POV

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It seemed as though no matter how well things went in the World Wrestling Federation, there was always something that soiled the experience to some degree. In the fall of 1995, neither Scott nor Kevin were particularly happy with their status in the company, and it seemed as though management had no intention of changing that. Both of their contracts would be expiring in the following months, but at this particular point in time, Scott and Kevin had yet to decide if they were going to be leaving the WWF.

If they were both to be completely honest, they loved working in the WWF. The schedule was ball-busting, sure, but they had a blast while they were there! The matches that they got to put on were usually quite good, and even though some of the talent there had egos bigger than their dicks, Scott and Kevin had been able to find their three best friends in the WWF.

First to the group came Shawn Michaels, with his long, blond hair and his womanizing tendencies. Shawn could party with the best of them, and even though he could be quite stubborn and whiny, he could be one of the best damn friends you could ever ask for. (Plus, who doesn't love to make fun of a guy with a shoot last name like Hickenbottom?) Unfortunately, Shawn and Scott shared several destructive tendencies that Kevin tried his hardest to squash.

Next came Sean Waltman, an awkward young lad who just wanted to make some friends in the business. Although they called him 'the Kid,' no one could deny how much Sean brought to their group not only inside of the ring, but out of it as well. Sean was wild soul who fit right in with Scott, Kevin, and Shawn, though he unfortunately fell into the same sort of chaos as Scott and Shawn.

The final addition to their group of troublemakers was the up-and-coming Paul Levesque. Paul had been stuck with the four men as a rib, but it turned out to be something that was great for all of them. Kevin definitely enjoyed having another level-headed companion who could help keep things fun while also keeping everyone out of trouble.

Oh, but damn, did those men cause trouble. Whenever anyone in the locker room or management tried to fuck them over or do something that they didn't like, Scott, Kevin, Shawn, Sean, and Paul, known as the Kliq, found a way to pay that person (or persons) back in some shape or form.

It usually ended in utter humiliation for whoever their target was, and a brief scolding from Vince for the Kliq. They never would learn their lesson.

However, even though the Kliq boys loved traveling together and causing all sorts of mischief for those that crossed them, at the end of the day, the money wasn't good enough for either Scott or Kevin. Scott especially wasn't fond of the chunk of change that he took home after each and every match.

After all, in Vince's company, they weren't promised anything as far as money went. They had a general idea of what they would be making for their work, sure, but that was it. On top of that, neither Scott nor Kevin really believed that they were receiving enough money for the work that they were putting in; hell, they weren't even sure how much they'd be getting!

Although Kevin had no one to support other than himself, Scott had a child to take care of. On top of that, Scott also enjoyed making sure that his ex-wife was financially stable; if she was okay, then Cody would be, too. But, it was hard to help anyone else out when you were uncertain of how your paychecks would turn out.

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