[chapter eight: "by my side"]

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Chapter 8: "By My Side"
Kevin Nash's POV

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Joli huddles against my side as we attempt to stay warm on this frigid ride to our next Nitro location. Of course the heat went out in this cheap-ass rental we got for the week, right when we needed it. What bullshit.

"... you know what I mean? I just feel like I need to up my game and I feel like that's not something that is really happening right now. It blows." Kid sighs heavily as he leans back against the passenger seat. He's been going on about how he feels like he's been in some sort of rut lately, as far as his work goes.

"It happens sometimes. You can be on a complete winning streak and feel horrible about it because you don't feel like you don't deserve it." Scott shrugs as he drives. "It's rough."

"Damn right it is. Like, I'm not winning all my matches or anything, but I feel like I'm just not getting better. I know I'm good, or at least I think I am, but I want to be better." Kid groans.

"Keep pushing yourself. If you want to go a few rounds with us, we can help you out when we get to the gym." I offer. Kid turns around and looks at me for a moment, before turning back to Scott.

"Seriously? Dude, I'd fuckin' appreciate it." Kid sounds like he's just had a huge weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Anytime you need any help, just come to us. We're in this business together, aren't we?" Scott laughs as he takes one hand off the wheel for just a moment, so that he can shove Kid's shoulder. We all laugh.

"What are we going to do, turn you away? You're our fuckin' brother." I grin, leaning forward so that I can shove him myself. Jolene lets out a small huff in protest as I move, but I pull her back in once I lean back in my seat.

"Thanks, guys."

That's just the kind of thing we do around here. We're family, and family help each other out when possible.

We fall into silence, just listening to the radio for a few minutes. However, once I feel Joli start to move, I groan. She's reaching for her cigarettes.

"Joli, babe, it's too cold for that." I laugh as she scoots over, so that she can use the window behind Scott. "You let so much air in when you smoke."

"I'm sorry." Joli sends me a sympathetic look. "I hate letting the cold in, but I need a smoke."

"Joli, please?" Kid whines.

"I'm sorry." She giggles as she pulls a cigarette out of the carton and places it right between her lips. Joli lights it up before rolling down the window.

Although a collective groan echoes throughout the vehicle as the chilly air rushes in, I find myself merely propping against the door on my side, my eyes on Jolene. There's something that's just fuckin' alluring about watching her smoke, and I don't know what it is. As of late I've just been so captivated by watching her do it, for whatever reason.

Actually, scratch that. There's a lot that Joli's been doing lately that's been catching my eye. It's not like she's doing anything different than usual, either; she's just being herself.


Joli finishes her cigarette and rolls her window up the moment she begins exhaling her final puff. We all sigh in relief, since there won't be anymore frigid air coming in for a while. Despite her addiction, Joli can go quite a while without a cigarette if she needs to. Isn't she the best?

I watch as Joli puts away her cigarettes and lighter before scooting back over to my side and lifting my arm up so that she can get closer to me. She looks so good in the jacket that I got her, but I rarely notice how good unless I take a proper look at her. I guess if you're exposed to something beautiful for such a long period of time, you have to take a step back every now and then to be able to truly admire it.

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