[chapter eighty-three: "nwo 2000"]

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Chapter 83: "nWo 2000"
Scott Hall's POV

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"Oh my God, do we really have to do this? Seriously?" I glance over at Joli as she whines and leans her head against Kev's upper arm. "This is the most idiotic plan that they could've come up with."

"Listen, I'm not anymore happy about this than you guys are." Jarrett scoffs from behind me. "Do you really think this is the push I wanted? Working with you three and Bret?"

This whole angle is going to be absolutely chaotic, and we all know it. Of all the people that they could choose to join me, Kev, and Joli as the nWo, why the fuck did they choose Jeff Jarrett and Bret Hart?

I've got to run back over all of this in my mind, because it just sounds too ridiculous to be true.

Kev, Joli, Jarrett, and I are supposed to interfere in Bret's match with Bill Goldberg for the vacant WCW World Heavyweight Championship, so that Bret can win. The five of us are going to be the New World Order now, with black and silver as our color scheme, for no real reason other than Russo and Ferrara running out of ideas. Isn't this fuckin' peachy?

I mean, the long-term plan is to push Bill as the main face of the company, because really, he's all we've fuckin' got left at this point. I personally don't think Bill has the charisma to be the top face, but fuck, he's over enough with the fans so I guess it's fine. My real gripe is that they're trying to get him back to the top by completely fucking up the nWo.

When I first arrived on Nitro, I didn't know what the fuck a 'New World Order' was or that I was going to be one of its founding members. By that point, we hadn't planned any of this shit out; that all came in the following weeks, before and during the time that Kev debuted.

But man, WCW struck a fuckin' goldmine with the nWo. We shouldn't have been over, but we were. Everyone wanted to be a part of the badass rebels that were invading the WCW and taking it out from the inside. If you weren't one of us, you weren't cool enough to even be on our level. It was wild.

Honestly, I don't know if the success of the nWo was something that WCW expected. They knew that bringing me and Kev in and having us act like Vince's boys for a while would bring a huge pop in ratings, because why wouldn't it? And adding Hulk Hogan, one of (if not) the most widely-known babyfaces in professional wrestling history, to the group as heel was destined to create something amazing.

We took off faster than any of us saw coming, so I'm sure it was the same for the company. How else can you explain the way that they initially booked us into a decline? There's been so much that happened with the nWo's fall that it makes my head spin.

The first problem came when they started adding people to our group just because they could. If it didn't make sense for someone to be in the nWo, they shouldn't have fuckin' joined it. There was a good period of time where we had so many members that I truthfully didn't know who was nWo and who wasn't. While that's great for the viewers at home, I'm sure, it doesn't go over well for your boys backstage.

I don't know, the nWo just because a big cluster-fuck after a while, and that's when we started really going downhill.

Of course there was the whole Wolfpac vs nWo Hollywood debacle that came to be partially because of the angle between me and Joli. I mean, we didn't start the idea for the Wolfpac vs Hollywood, but we sure helped it.

My gaze flickers over to Joli as she and Kev chat about whatever the fuck it is, and I feel my stomach twist as one question comes to my mind.

Does she know the truth about our love angle?

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