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"C'mon Matty, we're gonna be late" I shout towards the bathroom, where my guitarist had been for the past hour.

"One minute"

"I swear you spend more time infront of the mirror than me!" I laugh, walking into my bedroom where I see my bestfriend laying in bed.

"Good luck, B. You'll kill it." She winks at me.

"Thanks Daisy," I turn around smiling at her "Just make yourself comfortable in my bed yeah?"

"I'm keeping your bed warm for you"

"Alright, we're off. Bye Daisy" I say quickly giving her a hug before I grab a water bottle and head out the door with Matty.

We take the escalator down to the main street, starting to make our way down to the local pub where we had our gig. I walk in and instantly hear the chatter.

"Full house tonight, B" Matty says, setting down his guitar where we always set up

"Mhmm, yeah. Alright I'll say a quick hello to Jess and we can start" I say before heading to the bar where the manager of the pub, Jess, was serving people.

"Hey Jess, we're starting soon" I say giving her a quick smile. She smiles and gives me a nod, she was clearly too busy for a chat.

The night had been going well, like usual until I spot a pair of brown eyes, whose face looked very familiar to me. I make eye contact with the mysterious boy, as he flashes me a quick smile.

As I head off for my quick break, i can't help but think about the little moment i had shared with this mysterious boy.

"Hey." I hear a soft, gentle voice call out to me. I turn around to find the familiar face in front of me.

"Hey," I smile, not knowing what to say.

"You've got a really good voice," He smiles, evidently trying to make small talk.

"Oh, thank you" I smile, only able to say short sentences because of how nervous i was around this boy.

"I'm Marcus, by the way." He says reaching his hand out to me.

"Bianca," I say, now able to put a name to this familiar face "What brings you to The Levison?"

"I'm here with a few mates, just for a night out. This is actually the first time I've been here, but I will definitely be coming more often though." Marcus says giving me a cheeky smile. I chuckle.

"Ahh okay. Well I better head back," I say "Nice meeting you, Marcus" I smile.

"And you, Bianca" He smiles.

I walk into the bathroom trying to digest what had just happened. There is no doubt I was interested in this boy and I can't help but smile just thinking about him. How has a stranger got me feeling this way?

"Bianca, wait up," I hear, as I head out of the bathroom.

"C'mon Marcus, you're just following me now." I laugh

"Maybe," He smirks, before giving me the cheekiest smile. "Let me introduce you to the boys." I nod although I'm nervous to accept his offer, but follow him anyways.

"Bianca, this is Caleb, Jason and Josh over there in the corner," Says Marcus pointing at each boy "And boys, this is Bianca" They all give me a smile and say hello.

"Sit down" Says the blonde haired boy whose name was Caleb.

"Ahh, I'd love to boys but i've got to get back to the gig, Marcus has already made me late" I say smiling at Marcus, before saying goodbye to all the boys.

I head back to where Matty was and immediately cop an interrogation. Matty was basically my second brother, he was always protective of me, almost as protective as my older brother.

"Bianca, you do know we're here to sing not make friends with 'cute' boys" He says, smirking at my flushed cheeks.

"C'mon Matty, just being friendly" I joke.

"Not too friendly I hope" He says, showing me his fist. I laugh and continue on to sing my next song.

"Hey guys, everyone enjoying it so far?" I say into the microphone. Everyone cheers, Marcus and all the boys especially. I laugh.

"Sadly this will be our last song of the night, Into You by Ariana Grande, but thank you all for coming down" I say as I start singing.

So come light me up
So come light me up, my baby
A little dangerous
A little dangerous, my boy
A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body
Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you

I say thank you to the crowd one last time before I start to pack up.

"Good job, Matty." I say giving him a big hug.

"Thanks B, I know" He smiles. I roll my eyes. I turn around and see Josh, I say a confused hello.

"Look Bianca, since Marcus is not manly enough to say it I've come here to be a good friend and ask him for your number" He laughs, they're all clearly intoxicated at this point. I chuckle and write down my number.

"Josh, call Marcus a wuss for me" I smile before handing him the piece of paper. He winks.

I start to head out, saying goodbye to Jess. Oh, what a night it has been.

- ♡ -

hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter, there's definitely more to come :) I'm thinking of updating twice a week, maybe Tuesday's and Friday's. Tell me what you think!

Bianca's outfit is attached at the top :)

hope you all have a lovely day/night 

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now