twenty one

344 6 0

I wake up to the warmth of Marcus' breath on my neck. He was still fast asleep, clearly not recovered from his big night last night.

I can't help but think about the little exchange Alex and I had last night. Who would've known that my ex could now potentially ruin things. He always seemed to find a way to come back at the most inconvenient times. What are the chances that Alex and Marcus were friends? It's honestly just my luck.

I check my phone, gently trying to release myself from Marcus' grip, scrolling through instagram before a notification of a text from a certain person I had not wanted to get one from pops up at the top of my screen.

Hey, Bianca. I'm sorry for last night. I miss you. More than anything. I'm a jerk. I mucked up.

I think about the possible ways I could reply to the quite controversial text that I was staring at.

Leave me alone, Alex. This isn't good for either of us and you know it. Please delete my number.

I hit send before turning my phone off as I feel Marcus begin to start waking up, twisting and turning.

"Good morning, my love." I smile at him giving him a kiss.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiles, cuddling closer to me.

"How's your head?"

"Not too bad. A bit sore but manageable." He smiles. He always gives me that one cheeky smile that I could not help but melt over. Every time I saw his smile, it made me smile. Seeing his happiness made me nothing but happy.

"You had a big night last night," I say, giving him a disapproving look "you're more of a party animal than me."

"Of course." He smirks "How did you like meeting all my friends?"

"Uh-" I mumble "They were all really nice." I smile, fakely.

"Good." He smiles "It's important to me that you get along with the people I get along with. You love the ones I love. You know?"

"Yeah." I smile. The guilt of Alex comes into my head. He was clearly so passionate about this and I did not want to ruin his friendship and most definitely our relationship. I try to bring myself to tell him but I couldn't.

"Anyways, what're we doing today?"

"Up to you, sweet. As long as your up to it."

"I'm always up to spending time with you." He smiles.

"Here we go again with the cheese." I laugh, giving him a kiss before I decide that it was probably time to get out of bed.

We decide to go out for a late breakfast at one of Marcus' favourite café's. It would be the perfect time to tell him. That is of course, if I was brace enough to tell him.

I hop into the shower, taking longer than usual thinking about how I would tell him. I finally hop out after a good session of just thinking. I pop on my boyfriend jeans and grey sweater. I dry my hair and put a thin layer of make up on. I tie my hair up in a messy bun before finally heading off into my room where Marcus was still laying in bed on his phone.

"C'mon, love. Don't you think it's time to start getting ready?" I giggle.

"I think it is time." He smiles, getting up from bed. He gives me a quick kiss on his way to the bathroom as I put my shoes on. I check my phone which was charging on the bedside table. It was bombarded by text messages from Alex.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now