seventy one

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"Come in." I yawn, letting Marcus into our messy apartment.

"I'm early aren't I?" he asks.

"Yeah. But no biggie, I was just about get ready anyways. Caleb's outside."

"Alright." he smiles "Thanks." I proceed to go to my room and start to get ready. I hop into the shower and decide to not wash my hair to save some time. I didn't want to keep him waiting. I rush out of the bathroom, the steam escaping the room. I put on my floral red skater dress and pop on some runners. I'd been into dresses lately. I found that it was more comfortable than jeans and also easier to hide the bump. Which I hoped I wouldn't have to do soon. I apply some light make up before giving a smile into the mirror. I fix my hair into place before popping on a cute little hat.

After a record time of ten minutes, I make my out of my room and into the living room where I had heard everyone's voices.

"You ready?" I ask Marcus, grabbing my handbag that was by the kitchen bench.

"Yeah." he says, his eyes still on me.

"What?" I laugh.

"Nothing." Marcus says immediately, his eyes meeting the floor.

"Thanks for the invite, B." Caleb says, crossing his arms.

"It's confidential." I say "It's not a date, it's a..." I put my finger to my chin, thinking about the word I was looking for "meeting."

"Yep, a meeting." Marcus says, sarcastically as Caleb and him hifive.

"Alright, nothing for you then, Bontempelli. Dais, you wanna go to brunch?"

"No, no." Marcus grabs my hand, dragging me to the door "We're going."

The door slams behind us as I press the button on the elevator to ground floor. The silence wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. We were still getting used to each other even though we used to see each other everyday.

"This isn't a date you know." I say as we hop out of the elevator.

"I know." he chuckles "I was only kidding."

"Good." I say.

We walk down to the local cafe where we used to always go to on Marcus' days off. Where our first "date" was actually. Also where Marcus found out about Alex.

We take a seat by the window as I grab the menu and skim through it. It was quite pointless since I already knew what I wanted.

"Lemme guess," Marcus says "The Spanish Plate with extra cheese with hot chorizo."

"Correct." I smile "I haven't changed that much after all."

"Good." he smiles. The waitress takes our order before grabbing the menu's off us.

The flashbacks of how things used to be come back to me. Can one be homesick for a person and not a place? I can't be feeling this way so soon. I don't see Marcus in that way anymore.

"Have you told anyone about the pregnancy?" Marcus asks, taking a sip of his flat white.

"Yeah. Just Daisy and Mum." I say "And my manager."

"How are you planning on telling everyone else? Like our families and friends."

"Well, that's why we're here right? I wanted to talk about that too." I say.

"I just really want to tell mum at least." he says.

"Yeah, of course. I figured that." I say "I just want to figure out where we're at first. With our relationship status, most importantly." I say, a little awkwardly.

"Yeah." Marcus says, blankly.

"Look, I think being friends right now is the furthest I want to go. I want to have you in my life and the baby's life but just not in that way." I say, hoping it wasn't too harsh.

"Yeah, I get it." Marcus nods, a little disappointed.

"I just think that's best right now. I can't just pretend that the events before I left never happened."

"Yeah," he says "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I say, grabbing his hand "It's behind us now." before letting go again.

"Can I just please ask you a question?" Marcus asks, looking a little uneasy.

"Yeah, of course." I say.

"Is-is there someone else? You know, did you meet someone in London?"

"Uh-um no." I lie, giving him my best smile. Bradley. But, it would never work. Not right now.

"Good." Marcus smiles.

The food finally arrives after what feels like forever. We dig in immediately, neither of us wanting to continue to the conversation. Or talk about the elephant in the room rather.

"I really want to tell mum." Marcus says.

"Me too." I smile "Let's go."

"Where?" Marcus smiles, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"At your mum's place." I smile. Marcus gives me the biggest grin as I stand up and pull him up.

I knew the route to the Bontempelli's like the back of my hand. I didn't just fall inlove with Marcus but also his family. They all took me in as if I were their own. I didn't just feel like their son's girlfriend. I felt a part of the whole family. But things change. Nothing stays the same even though sometimes I wish they wouldn't.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now